Please support the GSPCA with Green Tokens at Guernsey Waitrose Stores this month

Submitted by Steve on 09:37, 4th Oct, 2017 | 0

Watch out for the GSPCA at Waitrose and support us with your green tokens this October.

Today is World Animal Day and this month we are also lucky enough to be nominated for the green token Community Matters box at the Waitrose stores in Admiral Park and the Rohais.

By placing a token in the Community Matters box at your local branch you’re helping your community and if you choose the slot for the GSPCA helping animals in Guernsey.


Thrive2020 - From Surviving to Thriving - 13th October at Les Cotils - Are you Going?

Submitted by Steve on 09:21, 4th Oct, 2017 | 0

Here is a message from Thrive 2020 which the GSPCA have been kindly invited along to so we hope to see you there -

' The Dandelion Foundation is proud to announce that the third instalment of Thrive 2020 – From Surviving to Thriving - will take place on Friday 13 October at Les Cotils. Following on from previous ground-breaking Thrive 2020 events, the day is designed to impact upon every member of the community in some way.


From 1st October Dog & Horse Restrictions Lifted on Beaches in Guernsey for the next 6 months

Submitted by Steve on 11:47, 30th Sep, 2017 | 0

We are very lucky that most of Guernsey's beaches are dog friendly during the summer months.  However from tomorrow the beaches where dogs are banned between 1st May and 30th September have the restrictions lifted and these are –

  • Fermain
  • Petit Bot
  • L'Erée
  • Vazon (Northern end)
  • Cobo
  • Port Soif
  • L'Ancresse
  • Pembroke

Dogs are not permitted on Lihou Island and Lihou causeway all year round.


Last night the 4th & 5th Guernsey Vale Brownies came to visit the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:56, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

Last night just after 6pm a group of Brownies called the 4th & 5th Guernsey Vale Brownies arrived at the GSPCA to be shown around the Animal Shelter by GSPCA Volunteer Suzy Rose.

The Brownies were taken around the site and not only got to see many of the 550+ animals at the GSPCA, they were taught about our history and about many of the animals in our care and the challenges we face at the GSPCA 24/7.


Buzzard rescued in Herm

Submitted by Steve on 15:34, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

Earlier this month an injured and poorly buzzard was recued in Herm.

The bird of prey is more likely to be seen in Guernsey with regular sighting in the air at the GSPCA in St Andrews and around the larger island.

The buzzard who was unable to fly and extremely thin has been named Arnold and is making a steady recovery and is now out in one of our rehabilitation aviaries at the GSPCA.


Appeal for granite to help with the GSPCA Memorial Garden & Grounds

Submitted by Steve on 15:16, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

Can you help us at the GSPCA with our Memorial Garden?

We are currently appealing for granite to help with the landscaping in our Memorial Garden and around site.

The GSPCA with the help of St Andrews Floral Group, Work to Benefit team and many others have been improving the grounds for visitors and wildlife and if you have any spare granite we would love to hear from you.

Whether you can drop it in or would like us to collect, if you can help please call 257261 or email [email protected]


GSPCA Ball in November at the Farmhouse – only a few tables left

Submitted by Steve on 14:52, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

We are pleased to announce that tables have been going well for our 1960’s & Masquerade Ball at The Farmhouse Hotel Saturday 11th November 2017 in aid of the GSPCA and with only a few left please book soon to avoid disappointment.

£60 a ticket - Tables of up to 12 – smaller tables welcome

Drinks reception on arrival from 6.45pm

HEADLINING - ‘The Day Trippers’

Other entertainment surprises

Supported by the Farmhouse with a fantastic local menu, The Day Trippers with amazing music & be amazed with a room decorated by Save the Date


Good luck to Jim Cathcart from BBC Guernsey in his new role who recently enjoyed a guided tour at the GSPCA with his daughter

Submitted by Steve on 14:42, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

During the Sumer Jim Cathcart from BBC Guernsey popped up to the GSPCA for a guided tour with his daughter Alicia.

Jim who worked in radio for 30 years finished at BBC Guernsey last week and the GSPCA team and animals wish him all the best in his new career with St Johns Ambulance where last night he and a colleague helped rescue an injured pigeon which is now at the GSPCA after the GSPCA Ambulance popped by St John’s HQ last night to collect the poorly bird.

Over the years at BBC Guernsey staff and volunteers from the GSPCA have been interviewed countless times by Jim.


Nordben Life and Pension Insurance Co. Limited staff working extremely hard to help the GSPCA Memorial Garden & Grounds

Submitted by Steve on 12:24, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

Last Thursday a team of staff from Nordben Life and Pension Insurance Co. Limited gave up a day in the office to help out at the GSPCA and they certainly worked extremely hard helping the Shelter in St Andrews.


6 New Volunteers are welcomed and join the team at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 11:50, 22nd Sep, 2017 | 0

Last night we held our 12th volunteer induction at the GSPCA and greeted  new volunteers keen to help at the GSPCA adding to the 134 inducted this year taking this years inducted volunteers to a total of 140 not including others that have helped from businesses, groups and other organisations.

The induction took place with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne talking to the group about who we are, what we do, the ways volunteers can help and an induction of how to help safely to all the new volunteers who were aged from 13 years upwards.  
