MISSING DOG ALBIE UPDATE – Albie safely rescued and home with his owners

Submitted by Steve on 16:15, 5th Jun, 2023 | 0

On Saturday evening the GSPCA had a report of a missing dog called Albie.

Albie the cocker spaniel had gone missing in the area between Icart car park and La Jaonnets bay.

Earlier today as Channel Islands Airsearch were going to help during a training mission around midday a report came in from the Icart area half way down a cliff.

The GSPCA headed down as did Cliff Rescue and the in-shore rescue team.

As Albie was located the CI Airsearch stood down and the Cliff Rescue team set up to retrieve Albie.


Join in with #BringYourDogtoWorkDay #TakeYourDogToWorkDay Friday 23rd June in our 150th year

Submitted by Steve on 23:44, 1st Jun, 2023 | 0

All around Guernsey each year businesses and offices have had their 4 legged friends come to work and this year Bring Your Dog To Work Day takes places today, Friday 23rd June.

Having a dog in the room can make human colleagues more cooperative, reduce stress, increase job satisfaction and productivity.

When adopting a dog or any animal from the GSPCA we often ask how many hours potential owners may be at work.  Perhaps the question should actually be - are you able to take your dog to work?


Volunteers Week – CSR at the GSPCA - Huge thanks to the fantastic PwC team

Submitted by Steve on 23:23, 1st Jun, 2023 | 0

Friday 19th May a team of staff from PwC once again spent a day volunteering at the GSPCA.

9 PwC staff arrived at 9am to be greeted by Tim Pellett the GSPCA Training and Community Officer.

They started with a lovely picture at the front of the Animal Shelter before they began a day of helping around site doing a huge amount.

Through the day they learnt about much of our work and met many of the team and finished with a tour of the site to see the many animals and much of our work. 


Friday 2nd June last Guided Tour of Half Term until the Summer Tours at the GSPCA – Limited spaces book now through Eventbrite

Submitted by Steve on 23:02, 1st Jun, 2023 | 0

Friday we have our last Guided Tour at the GSPCA with team member Karen Lane until July.

With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.

To book please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-educational-guided-tours-tickets-627157002477

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This half term we have had wonderful tours run by Karen and the last this Friday until July all planned as part of our 150 year celebrations.”


Volunteers Week – How to get involved and three new faces join the team at our Induction Evening

Submitted by Steve on 21:49, 31st May, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA really could do so much without its amazing team of volunteers and supporters.

From the Committee to those that walk dogs, fund raisers to those that help with admin, gardeners to those helping with IT, the companies who send their staff to help to so many others the list goes on and on.

With the GSPCA providing 24/7 we couldn’t do so much without our amazing team.

In recent years with all the challenges our volunteers have really been on the frontline and especially our GSPCA Animal Ambulance Wardens and we cannot thank them enough.


GSPCA Dog treat appeal and Amazon Wish List gifts

Submitted by Steve on 21:27, 31st May, 2023 | 0

With over 400 animals in our care and over 3000 through our doors each year there are many things we use and need 24/7 365 days a year and many Wish List ideas for the animals in our care on our Amazon Wish List.

There are many ways to support our work and every penny makes a huge difference during these difficult times.  There are a huge range of ways in which you can support our work and help us care for the animals at the GSPCA.

Currently at the GSPCA we are appealing for dog teats as we are running very low.


Stow away snakes from Mexico and Spain make it to Guernsey and the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 16:45, 26th May, 2023 | 0

Last week the GSPCA did not  have 1 but 2 calls to  rescue snakes that managed to travel the huge distance to Guernsey.

On the 18th May GSPCA team member Neil Hughes was called out to a local Garden Centre kitchen where a snake had stowed away with cabbages from Spain.

Tiny Tim as the very small snake has been called is a Viperine Snake which does have venom for their prey but they do not bite as a form of defence and even if it did would be harmless to humans.



Submitted by Steve on 16:15, 26th May, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA are warning dog walkers taking their four legged friends to local commons of a current concern.

There appears to be large numbers of what we believe are thorny seeds from what is believed is the Erodium cicutarium also know as Redstem Storks Bill which get caught in your dogs feet and fur along many of the commons and grassy areas especially L’Ancresse, Port Soif and Chouet,


Volunteers Week starts in June but why not join us at the GSPCA Volunteer Induction Evening on Wednesday 31st May 630pm

Submitted by Steve on 15:26, 26th May, 2023 | 0

We celebrate our 150 year history this year and we couldn’t do so much without our incredible team of staff, volunteers and supporters.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have never been so busy as we have been in current years and with plans of new builds to meeting every day demands we are currently recruiting for additional team members at the GSPCA from staff to volunteers.”

“1st June sees the start of Volunteers Week and why not join us before it takes place at our next Induction Evening on the 31st May.”


See the GSPCA Stall at the Arts Seafront Sunday 4th June 2023

Submitted by Steve on 13:37, 26th May, 2023 | 0

Guernsey Arts are thrilled to be hosting their Arts Sunday 2023 on 4th June 2023.

Held on the Town Seafront between the Liberation Monument and the Albert Pier, St Peter Port, Arts Sunday is a free event for the whole community with an Arts Market, activities, performances and more.

Once again the GSPCA are delighted to announce we will be joining the fantastic team and event at the Arts Seafront Sunday.

Come and join us all for a fun, free, creative day!
