GSPCA Purple Month – Half Term Educational Guided Tours, meet some of our residents, looking at the last 150 years & the future

Submitted by Steve on 12:37, 17th Feb, 2023 | 0

This month we celebrate 150 years and GSPCA Purple Month.

As part of the celebrations we have planned Educational Guided Tours to see some of the areas of the Animal Shelter, look back at our rich history and the plans for the future.

This week you can see behind the scenes at the GSPCA.

We ask for a minimum donation of £15 per person and £8 per child, or £40 for a family of four and a 10% if you have an Islands Families card or an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor.


GSPCA Purple Month – 150 year Founding and Valentines Day an incredible day of love, celebrations, media support and much more

Submitted by Steve on 00:39, 15th Feb, 2023 | 0

Today the GSPCA celebrated 150 years and what a day it has been.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Today the GSPCA team, supporters and the island helped us celebrate 150 years since we were first founded.”

“It is wonderful that the GSPCA was founded on a day of love that being Valentines Day, as there is so much shared between all that support and carry out the 24/7 work not just for animals, but the community as a whole.”

“It has been an incredibly busy day at the GSPCA and one we will never forget.”


GSPCA Purple Month – Valentines love for dog owners learning dog first aid on our 150th anniversary and Cat First Aid Wednesday

Submitted by Steve on 00:03, 15th Feb, 2023 | 0

Today on the 14th February the GSPCA was officially founded 150 years ago.

All through February we are celebrating with GSPCA Purple Month and there are many ways to get involved -


GSPCA Purple Month – Seal Pups Luna C from Guernsey and Aurora from Jersey released back to the wild on our 150th anniversary

Submitted by Steve on 17:52, 14th Feb, 2023 | 0

After more than a years worth of care Jersey seal pup Aurora and Guernsey seal pup Luna C were released back into the waters where they belong on the GSPCA’s 150th anniversary.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “This afternoon on our 150th anniversary we had a very special release when we got Aurora and Luna C the grey seal pups back to the wild.”

“Aurora was rescued in Jersey in October 2021 which was last season and also Luna C in Guernsey in December 2021 and both were less than half their body weight and extremely poorly when they arrived.”


GSPCA Purple Month – 14th February GSPCA Celebrates 150 years check out our very busy day and are you getting involved?

Submitted by Steve on 17:07, 13th Feb, 2023 | 0

Tomorrow on the 14th February 2023 the GSPCA celebrate 150 years from being founded helping animals in Guernsey.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Tomorrow we celebrate 150 years since being found at the GSPCA and what a fully packed day we have planned.”

“The team will be wearing a lot of purple to celebrate along with our GSPCA Purple Month.”

“We welcome new volunteers tomorrow and also one returning who hasn’t helped since before covid.”


GSPCA Purple Month – This Valentines Day help us celebrate our 150th birthday with a purple theme of love to support animals

Submitted by Steve on 17:24, 10th Feb, 2023 | 0

GSPCA Purple Month is throughout February and on Valentines Day we celebrate 150 years of the GSPCA.

The GSPCA is asking you to share the love of animals with a purple month by celebrating this momentous anniversary on Valentines Day and throughout February.

On the 14th February as part of the celebrations of we have Presenter Claire Cathcart and the BBC Guernsey team broadcasting live between 10am and 2pm.

 There are many ways to get involved and support including our TOP 10 which are –


GSPCA Purple Month – Vacancies at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:36, 9th Feb, 2023 | 0

We celebrate our 150 year history this month and we couldn’t do so much without our incredible team of staff, volunteers and supporters.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have never been so busy as we have been in current years and with plans of new builds to meeting every day demands we are currently recruiting for additional team members at the GSPCA.”

“Sadly we are soon to lose some fantastic staff who are off for new adventures and we are looking for those keen to help animals and support our community.”


GSPCA Purple Month – Warning to dog owners of palm oil on our beaches

Submitted by Steve on 10:26, 9th Feb, 2023 | 0

States of Guernsey recently reported on their facebook page ‘We've received a report that palm oil has washed up at Pembroke.

If you notice any grey, cream or white fatty substances, please do not remove the substance, but report it to Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services by emailing [email protected] or calling 01481 227000.

Dog owners should be particularly on the lookout and keep their pets away from the substance if they see it, as this can make dogs very ill if ingested.’


GSPCA Purple Month – 8 new faces welcomed at the GSPCA Volunteer Induction Evening

Submitted by Steve on 23:39, 8th Feb, 2023 | 0

This month we celebrate 150 years with GSPCA Purple Month and without volunteers we would have never of been founded.

On 11th February, 1873, a meeting was convened in the rooms of the Societe Guernesiaise “for the purpose of considering the expediency of establishing in the Island a Societe for the suppression of Cruelty to Animals” and the Dean of Guernsey was called to the Chair. The Patron of the Society was His Excellency Lt. General Froome.


GSPCA Purple Month – record breaking number of seal pups with latest rescue Henny now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 12:22, 7th Feb, 2023 | 0

This weekend the GSPCA were called out to the Lighthouse near Castle Cornet to rescue very poorly grey seal pup.

GSPCA Animal Ambulance Driver Sarah Harrison attended to find the very poorly pup.

The pup was quickly transported to the GSPCA seal unit and is currently under care with 7 other seals.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Friday night the GSPCA were called out to attend a very poorly seal pup.”

“The pup has been named Henny and we now have 8 seal pups, which is the most we have ever had in our care in our 150 year history in our care at one time.”
