Help celebrate World Animal Day and Paws for a Pint or pop by our stall in Market Square today

Submitted by Steve on 08:50, 4th Oct, 2014 | 0

Today it is World Animal Day and there are many ways you can help us celebrate.

We will be in Market Square in St Peter Port all day with a stall selling goods and with lots of games from 10am.

Also our new 'Paws for a Pint for the GSPCA in Guernsey' wrist bands and collection boxes are in many locations around our wonderful island.

The bands are already in the following:



Thank you to those involved and supported the Sarnia Cherie Pug Garden Party

Submitted by Steve on 14:00, 3rd Oct, 2014 | 0

Thank you to those involved and supported the Sarnia Cherie Pug Garden Party on Sunday.

The funds raised were helping Pug Welfare and volunteers also helped run fund raising games for the GSPCA.

£111 was raised for the Animal Shelter which we are hugely grateful to all involved.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "From all the team and animals at the GSPCA we would like to thank Mim Sarre and her team of helpers who organised a lovely afternoon last Sunday and raised a fantastic £111 for animals in Guernsey."


Thank you to all that supported our Animal Themed Bingo Night at the Last Post helping celebrate World Animal Day

Submitted by Steve on 11:43, 3rd Oct, 2014 | 0

Last night the GSPCA with nearly 50 supporters celebrated World Animal Day which is tomorrow by having an Animal Themed Bingo Night.

Dozens dressed up as animals and even the staff got involved dressing as donkeys, whilst others donned the animal masks that were on the tables.


Thank you to Rhonnie Taylor for raising £40 for the GSPCA making and selling loombands

Submitted by Steve on 14:29, 2nd Oct, 2014 | 0

Yesterday the GSPCA had a lovely visit from a young lady called Rhonnie Taylor from the Forest.

Rhonnie popped in to visit the Shelter as she has been busy making and selling loombands to raise funds for the Animal Shelter.

We were delighted when Rhonnie popped in with an amazing total of £40.

Richard Chandler one of the GSPCA senior staff was at the front desk to greet and thank Rhonnie.

Richard Chandler said "It is fantastic to see the wonderful and new ways that kind individuals like Rhonnie find to raise funds to help animals in Guernsey."


GSPCA receive the Saffery Champness Rotary Walk Selfie Award 2014

Submitted by Steve on 13:51, 1st Oct, 2014 | 0

Last night the GSPCA were invited to a special evening at the Lieutenant-Governors Goverment House.

GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne attended what was the Saffery Champness Rotary Walk Ceremony and Awards Evening.

It was a lovely night with the many sponsors of the round island walk that takes place in June, volunteers, walkers and special invited guests.

Last year the GSPCA were lucky enough to be a recipient of the 2013 walk which helped purchase a new Nissan van which is used as an ambulance around the clock helping rescue animals.


Dog & Horse Restrictions Lifted on Beaches in Guernsey for the next 6 months

Submitted by Steve on 09:25, 1st Oct, 2014 | 0

From today once again dogs are allowed back on the following beaches:


Petit Bot


The Northern end of Vazon

Port Soif


L’Ancresse / Pembroke


GSPCA Staff & Volunteer Summer Commendations 2014

Submitted by Steve on 14:37, 30th Sep, 2014 | 0

Each quarter staff and volunteers are nominated for certificates of appreciation for their hard work and commitment by one another, our supporters and general public.

For the Summer quarter here are the nominations and the reasons for those nominations –


Terry Buckley – ‘A star and a half in reception. So patient and kind with a good sense of humour. What more could you ask?’

Sue Le Goff – ‘Hard working and makes a good cuppa.’

Sarah Ozanne – ‘She is always happy to help anyone and willing to adapt her work schedule to cover other departments.’


Thank you to the 13 new volunteers that attended last nights induction

Submitted by Steve on 09:21, 30th Sep, 2014 | 0

Last night at the GSPCA we held one of our regular induction evenings.

13 new volunteers attended and many with friends and parents to learn all about the GSPCA, how to work safely at the Shelter and to set a date to start volunteering.

Over the next few weeks the group of 13 volunteers are set to start in various roles and the first start this morning.

Many will also be helping at our Animal Castle Day at Castle Cornet this Sunday.

This morning we welcome Joanna Hallas, Chris Le Prevost and Paula Le Maitre starting at the Shelter.


Thinking of coming to the Animal Castle Day on the 5th October? Here's a way to get a great deal

Submitted by Steve on 17:03, 29th Sep, 2014 | 0

On Sunday the 5th October as part of the World Animal Day celebrations on the 4th the GSPCA have teamed up with Castle Cornet to put on a very special day.

With plans being finalised if you come down to the Castle on Sunday you will see a selection of animals, have access to talks on animals and their history in Guernsey as well as be able to join the activities and games from tombolas to trails, coconut shy to face painting and much more.  


URGENT APPEAL - We need a new Commercial Washing Machine - could you or your business help?

Submitted by Steve on 16:08, 29th Sep, 2014 | 0

After 10 years our Commercial Washing Machine recently decided it could no longer continue.

We are currently shopping for single phase equipment that could deal with the blankets and towels that come from over 200 animals a day.

The current machine has been working 7am to 7pm 7 days a week for 10 years and we are looking at a machine which could carry out this difficult task.

We have a number of quotes coming in and it is likely that a 20kg machine will cost in the region of £5500.
