With only 11 days to go, the GSPCA are busy preparing for the eleventh Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday 11th September 2022

Submitted by Steve on 11:58, 1st Sep, 2022 | 0

Despite the restrictions in the last 2 years we saw over 100 stalls at our biggest event of the year and 2022 is looking to once again be a bumper year.

We would be delighted if any stalls or buskers would like to join us to help celebrate animals in Guernsey.

To download a pitch application please click here https://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/SFS%20Pitch%20app%20September%202022.pdf 


Vacancies at the GSPCA – Animal Care, Receptionist, Weekend Maintenance & Ambulance Post and Casual Roles

Submitted by Steve on 12:27, 31st Aug, 2022 | 0

At the GSPCA we are extremely busy and we are currently looking for new volunteers to join the team as well as recruiting new staff.

We are currently advertising for additional staff members at the GSPCA and we are looking for the following:


FIREWORK NOTICE – North Show at Saumarez Park 950pm

Submitted by Steve on 11:22, 25th Aug, 2022 | 0

Every year we hear of firework related incidents involving animals and children. While fireworks may be exciting and pretty to look at and its fun to celebrate many celebrations with a bang, we must put our safety, the safety of our pets and the local wildlife first. 

Tonight as part of the North Show at approximately 2150hrs (950pm) at Saumarez Park in Castel there is a firework display planned so please ensure your animals are safe and prepare for the unusual sounds and sights they might be subjected too.


GSPCA all set up at the North Show and ready to go 'Go Forth the North'

Submitted by Steve on 10:20, 24th Aug, 2022 | 0

This Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th August it is the North Show and the GSPCA will be there with a stall for the ninth year in a row.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This summer is extraordinarily busy for us at the GSPCA as well as the continued challenges."

"The North Show is always a wonderful event and at the GSPCA we are so grateful to them to be allowed to join them once again."

“We are all set up and ready to go and tomorrow we have staff from Northern Trust helping us.”


GSPCA at 'West is Best' West Show this week

Submitted by Steve on 11:01, 17th Aug, 2022 | 0

Once again the GSPCA are attending the West Show which is today Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August 2022 and we have been attending since 2012.

If you would like to help volunteer of support us we would love to see you on our stall.

If you can help please call 257261 or email [email protected]  

Once again our stall is all set up and is full of great games & GSPCA goods.


Tamatoa the hermit crab at the GSPCA in need of a home

Submitted by Steve on 12:54, 12th Aug, 2022 | 0

At the GSPCA we currently have a hermit crab in need of a home.

Tamatoa is one of the more unusual animals in need of a home.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have a number of animals in need of homes at the GSPCA from ferrets to cockerels, a king snake to a bearded dragon and Tamatoa the hermit crab is one of the most unusual.”

“Tamatoa arrived in April having been abandoned in his enclosure and thank fully despite his ordeal is doing very well."


Jasmine a young raven and the first in over 10 years arrives at the GSPCA after watching Emu’s

Submitted by Steve on 11:19, 12th Aug, 2022 | 0

Yesterday a young raven was rescued off some hay bales watching Emu’s at the Accidental Zoo.

The bird was covered in lice and is doing well at the GSPCA.

To make a donation you can go to https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA)

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Just after 6pm a young raven was brought into the GSPCA.”


GSPCA concerned for the welfare of wildlife in the hot weather and pond advice

Submitted by Steve on 10:55, 12th Aug, 2022 | 0

The GSPCA has been highlighting the challenges of the current hot weather on our wildlife and every day rescuing animals suffering from the lack of food and water, as well as those sick and injured.

The GSPCA is also aware that many of our ponds around the island which are homes to an array of wildlife are suffering due to the lack of rain.

One of the main public ponds is that of the one in Saumarez Park which is at a very low level and has become extremely green due to algae and there has been sadly a number of dead wildlife been found in and around the pond.


WARNING HOT WEATHER - Animals in hot cars, why you shouldn’t walk your dog on a hot day & help the wildlife

Submitted by Steve on 11:33, 11th Aug, 2022 | 0

With hot weather the GSPCA has been extremely busy with calls and reports from the public from dogs locked in cars, dogs being walked on hot pavements, animals in direct sunlight, wildlife in need and we want to remind all pet owners of the real dangers to their pets and how you can help wildlife.

With the extreme warm weather and direct sunlight, dogs and other animals whether in cars or their pens are potentially in a situation where you could kill your pet if it is left, regardless of the situation.


Charlie the Senegal Parrot reunited after being missing for 7 years

Submitted by Steve on 11:14, 11th Aug, 2022 | 0

Over 6 weeks ago a Senegal Parrot was found in Vazon.

The very friendly adult Senegal Parrot arrived on the 25th June after being rescued by a member of the public and the GSPCA team were really shocked that an owner hadn’t come forward so we did a big appeal last week.

What happened next was a real surprise as an owner did come forward but she had reported her Charlie the Senegal Parrot missing in October 2015.
