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Last weekend the GSPCA joined in with the fantastic annual Torteval Scarecrow Festival.
This is the second year we have been allowed to join this wonderful family Guernsey event which is held in high esteem by so many.
Last year the GSPCA focused their scarecrow display on Jessie the beagle who had been stray for over two months and was caught only weeks before the event.
This weekend why not pop to Torteval and support their annual Parish event which draws thousands every year.
With nearly 50 entries the event has been a buzz all morning with hundreds already enjoying the excellent event.
This year thanks to a GSPCA Torteval volunteer and Mr McIntyre the Animal Shelter has entered its first ever entry.
A GSPCA team went down earlier today to set up our entry 'Jessie Beagle You've Been Caged' and watch out as you're on camera.