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Last Wednesday when the team were called out to rescue Olivia the loggerhead turtle she wasn't the only one to be rescued off of the beach.
Shortly after her arrival at the GSPCA when the vet and team were checking her over a crab and some goose barnacles seem to have hitched a lift.
The goose barnacles were found attached mostly to the rear and the small clawed hitch hiker was found between Olivia's back right leg and her shell.
The crab didn't want to come out straight away but the next morning was found trying to enter the pen area of Bonnie the seal.
On Wednesday at the GSPCA we rescued an extremely rare loggerhead turtle at Vazon which although still weak has made it through the first 48 hours thanks to Vet John Knight and the team at the GSPCA.
Today it was decided to give Olivia a full check over so she has had xrays, bloods taken, faeces sample sent off, tube fed and been on a drip.
Olivia behaved very well throughout the tests and seemed thankful for the tubing and drip. She also received a number of other treatments and injections to help her condition.
Olivia the loggerhead turtle who was rescued late on Wednesday is still very weak and the team at the GSPCA are doing all we can for her.
She saw the vet yesterday for the second time and will be seeing local vet John Knight for further tests and treatments this morning to see what internal issues she may have.
We will of course keep you up to date and to donate to her care and see her rescue story please read below -
Yesterday just after 4pm the GSPCA were called out to what was reported to be a stranded turtle on the west coast of Guernsey.
Ambulance Collection Officer and Marine Medic Geoff George responded to the call and when he arrived at Vazon was faced with a Loggerhead Turtle.
With the assistance of a kind member of public they quickly got the very sick and weak reptile into the GSPCA Ambulance where it was then transported directly to the wildlife unit at the Animal Shelter.
Habitat loss and the threat of extinction are significant concerns in the world of reptillian life.
Reptile Day promotes awareness of all things reptillian, encouraging learning about different types of reptiles, their natural environments and ecological challenges.
At the GSPCA we rescue, reunite, rehabilitate and rehome reptiles of all descriptions.
In the last year we have seen snakes to tortoise, turtle to lizards, terrapins and others some of which have been wild and others captive.
Only last week the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtle Movie was released.
Today is World Turtle Day and the GSPCA is remembering this by reflecting on a Green Turtle the Animal Shelter rescued 11 years ago this year.
On the 13th January 2003 a live Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) was stranded on the west coast of Guernsey.
Elliot Green and his son who were playing football and Mary Harrison discovered a turtle that afternoon on Grandes Roques Beach and reported it to the Animal Shelter.
Today is World Turtle Day and the GSPCA is remembering this by reflecting on a Green Turtle the Animal Shelter rescued 10 years ago this year.
On the 13th January 2003 a live Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) was stranded on the west coast of Guernsey.
Elliot Green and his son who were playing football and Mary Harrison discovered a turtle that afternoon on Grandes Roques Beach and reported it to the Animal Shelter.