Submitted by Steve on 15:39, 6th May, 2014 | 0

Rose is just one of the hedgehogs to arrive at the Shelter after being injured by a garden strimmer.

Every year hedgehogs are injured by gardening equipment such as strimmers, hedge cutters and lawn mowers.

Rose who has been at the Shelter for three weeks is healing well, although is still having treatment.

Annabelle Janes Animal Care Assistant said 'Poor Rose the hedgehog had one of the worst wounds to her head that we have seen this year at the GSPCA.'

'It is really important to check before you start using garden machinery for wildlife such as hedgehogs.'

'We rescue 200 to 400 hedgehogs every year and with all the gardening that goes on in the Spring and Summer we often see hedgehogs with injuries like the one Rose has.'

'Thankfully Rose is doing well and healing nicely and will hopefully be back in the wild soon.'

Sarah Ozanne Animal Care Assistant said 'Not only is it Spring and the hedgehogs are all awake and breeding but it is also Hedgehog Awareness Week.'

'For Hedgehog Awareness Week and all this month we are running competitions for children to get involved.'

'We have some great prizes and hope those getting involved will learn a little on hedgehogs at the same time.'

For lots more hedgehog advice please click here.

To download a poster to advertise the Hedgehog Competition please click here.

To download a poster to advertise the Hedgehog Awareness Poster Competition please click here.

Create a GSPCA Awareness Poster for Hedgehogs

Age groups –

4 – 7 years old (infants)

7 – 11 years old (juniors)

Some ideas could include:

Watch out for hedgehogs on the road waking up from hibernation

Hedgehogs out in the day time could mean there is something wrong

Please put out clean drinking water for hedgehogs over the summer

Check for hedgehogs before cutting the lawn/grass

Discard of rubbish properly - especially netting/wires

Make sure your swimming pool/pond is easily escapable

Do not put slug pellets down as they are poisonous

Don't touch a nest until sure you need to intervene

Cut holes in fence bottoms to allow hedgehogs to pass through gardens

Watch your dogs around hedgehogs- either one could get hurt

Other points to add:

Phone GSPCA for advice/emergency: 01481 257261

Advice on the GSPCA Webpage-


Prizes for the top 3 in each age group.

Send your posters with your name, age, contact number and school on the back to or to the Shelter at

Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Rue du Truchots
St Andrews
Guernsey, Channel Islands

Closing date 6/6/14. Winners will be announced on the 13/6/14

Build a Hedgehog House

2014 Competition

Design and build a hedgehog house to be used in your own or friends garden!

There are two age group categories:

7 to 11 years (Junior age)

11 to 16 years (secondary age)

The top three from each group will be contacted to be judged and there are PRIZES for the top 3 designs in each group!

The house structure must be:


- Big enough to make a nest

- Safe from predators

- Camouflaged

What could you use to build the house?

 - Logs                          

- Old plastic box

- Bricks

- Wood

- Pots

- Anything else - Be as creative as you like!

Try the internet and our website for more inspiration!

Last thing to do is take a beautiful photograph then email it to us along with your age, full name and contact number to:

Closing date 6/6/14. Winners will be announced on the 13/6/14

Good luck and have fun!

Please be careful when building your hog houses

 Work with an adult to put it together as you may need to use grown-up tools

We currently have two stunning cats called Trio and Trouble needing operations. To donate to help them please click on this link, call 01481 257261, by post or popping into the Shelter.

Donate with JustGiving and PayPal

GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD

To find out about our Events, how to become a Member, Sponsor an Animal Pen, our Wish List, Corporate Sponsorship & Volunteering, , our New Build & Redevelopment Appeal and much more please click here.

To find out about GSPCA training and courses at the Shelter please click here.

There are many ways to support the work of the GSPCA and you can even donate online by clicking the paypal link below.

Donate with JustGiving and PayPal

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