Submitted by Steve on 23:36, 16th Mar, 2016 | 0

Two weeks ago today a loggerhead turtle was rescued on Vazon beach.

The GSPCA have been doing all they can for her and today was the first real sign of life.

Although slight movements very occasionally only today have the team seen Olivia try to move about and for the first time take a drink.

Did you know? - Loggerheads need to drink, but as a sea turtle, only salt water is available to them. However, their bodies have a way of overcoming this problem. Loggerheads have special salt glands near their eyes that can excrete high concentrations of salt. Therefore, they're able to drink salty sea water without dehydrating or becoming sick. When excreting the excess salt, it looks as though these turtles are crying. People witnessing female loggerhead turtles nesting have often said they're weeping for their young, when really they're just getting rid of salt from their bodies.

We have had to hose Olivia down each day as part of her care and when head carer Geoff George noticed she was keen to consume some of the water he helped provide a slow trickle into the side of her mouth which she appeared keen to consume.

Olivia the loggerhead turtle has been treated, put on a drip and slowly had her temperature raised over the last two weeks which is all part of her rehabilitation.  Being a cold blooded reptile it is a very slow process and today was a major step forward in her rehabilitation.

Geoff George Animal Collection Officer and Marine Medic said "We have all been so worried for Olivia and today was a real step forward."

"Not only has Olivia been trying to move around her pen today she even started to drink water when I was wetting her down today which is a great sign but still early days."

"Olivia has been at the GSPCA for two weeks now and to see her drink and move around was great to see."

Jen Bradshaw Volunteer GSPCA Warden said "It was wonderful to see Olivia drink when Geoff was hosing her down."

"Since seeing her two weeks ago she has got a much better colour."

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "Although Olivia is still extremely weak it was great to see her move about and take a drink today."

"Olivia seems to improve each day and although has had a dip in a very shallow pool we are hoping with help from Spa De La Mare to get her in deeper warm water later this week."

"She had a second blood test on Tuesday with vet John Knight to see how she progressing with her recovery and we continue to appeal for donations towards her care."

"Thank you to all that have donated towards her care, it is really appreciated."

Please see the links and information below to donate towards her care.

To donate to the turtle or Bonnie the grey seal pup please call 01481 257261, pop along to the Animal Shelter in St Andrews, by post or by clicking the link below.

To become an Angel Pen Pal sponsor please click here.


If you find a sick our injured wild animal please call 257261 or click here for advice.

EXCITING NEWS - Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday this year on the 15th May 2016

Posted by GSPCA on Monday, 7 March 2016

Bonnie The Seal from karldorfner on Vimeo.

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Looking for pet insurance in Guernsey? Check out the GSPCA pet insurance with Rossborough

Posted by GSPCA on Tuesday, 30 June 2015

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GSPCA Build Partner programme at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in Guernsey - could your business support the GSPCA and animals in Guernsey - CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility -

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