Bonfire Dog Friendly Fun Family Evening & BBQ Thursday 13th November with the GSPCA & KGV
Posted by Steve on 14th Oct, 2014 |
GSPCA & KGV Bonfire Dog Friendly Fun Family Evening & BBQ from 6pm at the KGV including a Dog Night Safety Wear Fun Fashion Show at 645pm & School Poster Competition winner announced at 715pm on Thursday 13th November 2014.**THERE WILL BE NO FIREWORKS AT THIS EVENT****We are kindly...
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Gannet rescue from Jaonnaise Bay
Posted by Steve on 10th Oct, 2014 |
Yesterday the GSPCA were called out to an injured gannet at Jaonnaise Bay.Animal Collection Officer Geoff George attended the site where he had a fair walk to find the trapped bird.As the sun was setting during early evening Geoff found the poor bird trapped in discarded fishing netting.It was...
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A fantastic World Animal Day, Animal Castle Day and thank you to Market Bistro
Posted by Steve on 7th Oct, 2014 |
On Saturday it was World Animal Day and the GSPCA celebrated in Guernsey with a number of events.This weekend we launched our Paws for a Pint wrist bands in many locations across Guernsey and we are extremely grateful to all involved.
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Help celebrate World Animal Day and Paws for a Pint or pop by our stall in Market Square today
Posted by Steve on 4th Oct, 2014 |
Today it is World Animal Day and there are many ways you can help us celebrate.We will be in Market Square in St Peter Port all day with a stall selling goods and with lots of games from 10am.Also our new 'Paws for a Pint for the GSPCA in Guernsey' wrist bands and collection boxes are in many...
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Thank you to those involved and supported the Sarnia Cherie Pug Garden Party
Posted by Steve on 3rd Oct, 2014 |
Thank you to those involved and supported the Sarnia Cherie Pug Garden Party on Sunday.The funds raised were helping Pug Welfare and volunteers also helped run fund raising games for the GSPCA.£111 was raised for the Animal Shelter which we are hugely grateful to all involved.Steve Byrne GSPCA...
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