Hot cars kill dogs - with a sunny Guernsey weekend ahead please stop & think of your pet
Posted by Steve on 13th Jun, 2014 |
With another sunny and warm weekend ahead of us the GSPCA want to ensure all pet owners take care of their animals.This week the GSPCA have had calls from concerned members of the public that have reported dogs locked in cars.With the warm weather and direct sunlight, dogs in cars are potentially...
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St Mary St Michael school visit to the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 13th Jun, 2014 |
On Wednesday the GSPCA welcomed students from St Mary St Michael for a school visit.Sarah Creasey the Welfare and Education Officer met the students at the front the GSPCA Animal Shelter before showing the children the facilities in St Andrews.The GSPCA have been based at our current site since...
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Max the little terrier helped by our Tally is doing well
Posted by Steve on 12th Jun, 2014 |
Yesterday we told you of Tally a dog who lastweek helped save Max's life by giving blood.We've been told today Max is doing really well and even managed to have a nice walk to the vets for a check up that went well.To see the full story please click here.
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Mona & Lisa, Mother & Daughter Hedgehogs are back to their Guernsey seaside home
Posted by Steve on 11th Jun, 2014 |
On Friday we saw the close of our Hedgehog Awareness Competition entries close and we have had so many fantastic posters and photos of hedgehog homes.The team will be short listing the finalists this week but every day the GSPCA have been seeing sick, injured and young hedgehogs.From strimmer...
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Tally the GSPCA dog helps save a life in Guernsey
Posted by Steve on 11th Jun, 2014 |
Last week the GSPCA were approached to ask the question if we had a life saving dog.Sadly a dog had been rushed to Isabelle Vets with health problems which meant the dog required a blood transfusion.The GSPCA has over 200 animals at the Shelter from dogs to birds, cats to a horse and we the GSPCA...
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