Gert is loving the social media so is now also on facebook and twitter
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Oct, 2011 |
Quack, quack, quack,   How exciting I’m loving all of my new friends after joining you all on email ([email protected]). It was so much fun I looked into it and I am now also on facebook and twitter.   For those facebook fans then you can find me
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Gert Judges Vauvert Primary Schools Pictures
Posted by GSPCA on 3rd Oct, 2011 |
Quack, quack,  
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World Animal Day - 4th October 2011
Posted by GSPCA on 3rd Oct, 2011 |
World Animal Day is celebrated each year on October 4. It started in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists. On this day, animal life in all its forms is celebrated, and special events are planned on locations all over the globe. 4 October was originally chosen for World Animal Day...
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Gert has email
Posted by GSPCA on 30th Sep, 2011 |
That's right Gert is the first duck in Guernsey with email.  Gert is a duck that lives at the shelter and tells her tales on our blog page.  She is an old Indian Running Duck (we believe) and she was nursed back to health by the shelter staff earlier this year.   
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Gert asks 'What are you doing for World Animal Day this Tuesday?'
Posted by GSPCA on 30th Sep, 2011 |
Quack, quack,   What quacktastic weather we are all having.  So nice and sunny for this time of year. I hear the staff calling it an Indian Summer which is funny because I’m supposedly an Indian Running Duck!!!  
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