Mocha is back after his operation
Posted by GSPCA on 16th Sep, 2011 |
Mocha this evening returned to our care here at the GSPCA shelter in St Andrews after his operation and short rest at the vets.  He is currently sporting a buster collar and has his left ear missing after the operation but is still his happy self.The staff were so pleased to see him and many...
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New Friends Needing Homes from the GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 16th Sep, 2011 |
Thinking of a way your son or daughter can support the GSPCA?  Well from today we have on sale a selection or pooches, a cat and a rabbit all sporting a GSPCA jumper.We are looking for owners of any age that have love to give to these cuddly little friends.They don't require a lot of exercise...
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Mocha is recovering well
Posted by GSPCA on 15th Sep, 2011 |
After a very long day and operation at the vets Mocha is now on the road to recovery.  We haven't got a picture to post as yet but the vets have reported that the surgery was a success and he is doing well.He will remain at the vets for monitoring for a few days then return to the shelter for...
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Total now up to 29 gulls since the weekend
Posted by GSPCA on 15th Sep, 2011 | 1
Since the weekend we have now recieved a total of 29 gulls all showing extreme cases of illness and in the worse case even death.We are still monitoring the situation but are unaware of the reason for this problem as are still awaiting test results.If you find any sick, ill or dead gulls please...
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Donate to help Mocha who is in need of a big operation
Posted by GSPCA on 14th Sep, 2011 |
Mocha is a very old stray cat that today had blood tests to check how healthy he is.  Mocha needs an operation to remove some lumps and also removing his left ear.Poor Mocha is not at all comfortable and without this operation his health will surely deteriorate.  He has a lovely...
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