Harry the baby hoglet
Posted by GSPCA on 8th Sep, 2011 |
This evening a baby hedgehog was found all on its own by a kind passer by who discovered it with no mum in sight.  The poor little thing was found wet, cold and hungry and is now in our care.  Now named Harry, the little hoglet is all tucked up warm with a comfy bed, plenty of food and...
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Gert the duck asks how many friends are with me this evening?
Posted by GSPCA on 8th Sep, 2011 | 2
Hi Gert the duck here saying hello and hope you've been enjoying all of this wet weather.  My friends and I have really been enjoying it.  In fact there have been puddles that have been so deep we've been able to swim all over the animal shelter.  But don't worry everybody else that...
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Follow Sandra the rescued baby chick
Posted by GSPCA on 8th Sep, 2011 |
How cute is the now named baby chick Sandra?  Literally only days old little Sandra was found yesterday in the South East of the island walking around with no mum in site.Now in the GSPCA care we will look after and rear her until she is of an age to find a new home.  Sandra has asked us...
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Hamster Help
Posted by GSPCA on 8th Sep, 2011 |
After checking them all over and making sure who are boys and girls many of the Hamster Haven hamsters are now available for rehoming. You may have seen or heard of these little critters in the press.  Over 30 in total and we are expecting more to give birth, we are now able to rehome the few...
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Marcel and Jack come to visit
Posted by GSPCA on 7th Sep, 2011 |
We currently have two visitors to our fields here at the GSPCA.  Marcel and Jack two Guernsey goats that belong to Becca who is one of the animal care staff has kindly leant them to the shelter. We have two fields that have become overgrown and with their eating habits they will help bring...
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