With the Equinox Brings Dangers to our Seal Pups
Posted by GSPCA on 21st Sep, 2011 |
It's coming into that time of year and the UK have already been dealing with their first few sick and injured seal pups.  When out and about the GSPCA would like to urge the people of Guernsey and visitors to take care if you see a seal or seal pup as with the autumn weather they can be at...
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Charlie the Cormorant and Wildlife Unit Developments
Posted by GSPCA on 20th Sep, 2011 | 1
When the winds pick up and the bad weather sets in we are always ready to receive sick and injured wildlife.  Last night we had Charlie a very tired and weak cormorant brought in.Charlie was given a warm enclosure, plenty of fish and is rapidly improving.  Quite often the weak and hungry...
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Gert Reports on Mocha
Posted by GSPCA on 20th Sep, 2011 |
Quack Day,I hope you have had a quacktastic weekend.  I wanted to let you all know how my friend Mocha the cat is doing.  What a really quack wonderful cat, he is so friendly.Well he has had a quacking good weekend and his stitches where his left ear use to be is healing nicely.  He...
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Guernseys Animal Welfare Law
Posted by GSPCA on 19th Sep, 2011 |
Today Steve Byrne (GSPCA Manager), Lorna Prince (Welfare Manager) and Jayne Le Cras (GSPCA President) met with staff from Commerce and Employment to discuss the Animal Welfare Legislation. With final drafts being completed the legislation is likely to be in place early next year.  The...
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5 weeks and over 500 friends
Posted by GSPCA on 19th Sep, 2011 |
The GSPCA facebook account opened only 5 weeks ago and already we have over 500 friends.  The shelter has become much more active online trying to get something on nealy everyday.We would like to thank those already following us and would ask that you spread the word and tell others of our...
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