Meet Gert the duck and follow her stories and tales
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Sep, 2011 |
Hello my name is Gert and I'm an old duck that lives at the GSPCA.  My story is that I was found injured and almost dead.  A kind person brought me here at the start of the year, they cared for me and got me all better and now I'm enjoying life once again.  They were going to...
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Hamster Haven
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Sep, 2011 |
Friday we were called out to assist with what started as 2 hamsters and was 16 on Friday and 24 by the end of yesterday  As you read this it is still increasing as three have given birth and we are up to 36 syrian baby and adult hamsters.   Thankfully the owner of these hamsters...
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GSPCA go Fairtrade
Posted by GSPCA on 5th Sep, 2011 |
The GSPCA are proud to announce that we have recieved Fairtrade status.  We now not only retail a small selection of Fairtrade confectionary at reception we are also using Fairtrade coffee and tea. By changing to Fairtrade we are helping change the lives of farmers and producers across the...
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Carey Olsen Law Firm Pay for GSPCA van and donate much more
Posted by GSPCA on 2nd Sep, 2011 |
Carey Olsen Charities Committee have worked hard in raising money for 3 charities which they nominated and these were Guernsey Cheshire Homes, Les Bourgs Hospice and the GSPCA. They rose a total of £25,000 which they shared between the three charities. We received £8,242,93p.  The money paid...
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Thank you to Next Generation IT
Posted by GSPCA on 1st Sep, 2011 |
We would like to thank Matthew Hale and all the team at Next Generation IT for the very kind donation of three PC's and lots of extras that will enable us to improve our service and save paper by computerising a lot of our records. Thank you from all at the GSPCA.
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