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A new plan has been launched today to catch Jessie the stray beagle, but we are having dozens or reports of people trying to chase or follow her which is extremely unhelpful.
Again we had over a dozen sightings yesterday by phone and messaged through to us at the GSPCA and we appreciate all of the continued support.
The new escalated capture of Jessie has been launched after the kind temporary permissions from the States to fence an area off around the trap.
Yesterday we were very worried that Jessie may have left the west coast of Guernsey, but we are pleased to report she appears to remain in the area.
We had over a dozen sightings yesterday by phone and messaged through to us at the GSPCA and we appreciate all of the continued support.
We are currently escalating the capture of Jessie and just received temporary permissions from the States to fence an area off around the trap to help with her capture.
This Friday June 26th is Bring Your Dog to Work Day.
Having a dog in the room can make human colleagues more cooperative, reduce stress, increase job satisfaction and productivity.
When adopting a dog or any animal from the GSPCA we often ask how many hours potential owners may be at work. Perhaps the question should actually be - are you able to take your dog to work?
Discussing the benefits of taking a dog to work might just result in a match with a dog we have in for homing.
First thing this morning we are aware that Jessie the stray beagle was around the west coast and feeding next to our dog trap.
We have just received a report that may indicate that she is back in St Andrews, but we are appealing if you do see her to please call 257261.
We are aware that Jessie has been chased by members of public trying to catch her which we are asking people not to do as this will scare her from the area she is happy in and may have resulted in her moving inland.
Jessie continues to remain along the west coast and we are very thankful for all of the reports.
Her confidence is building once again around the trap and we are hoping that she will continue to do so.
We would like to highlight she is very timid and nervous and please DO NOT chase or follow her as it is likely to scare her from the area she is happy in.
Here is the update from Friday -
We are pleased to report that despite Jessie being let out of the trap on Wednesday morning she has remained along the west coast with reports, sightings and GSPCA team members tracking her up until late last night.
As at 11am we have had two reports confirming her location very near the trap, and GSPCA team members monitored her last night feeding next to it although extremely wary and unsure.
We continue to monitor Jessie the stray beagle cross who is becoming more confident around our trap although still extremely nervous of people.
GSPCA staff and volunteers continue to monitor her movements, feeding and drinking habits and hope to soon be close to catching her for her owners.
Even today we are aware of where she is and team members have been monitoring her.
We are aware that yesterday she moved inland around the Oatlands area, but she is now back on the west coast.
We continue to monitor Jessie the stray beagle cross who is becoming more confident around our trap although still extremely nervous of people.
GSPCA staff and volunteers continue to monitor her movements, feeding and drinking habits and hope to soon be close to catching her for her owners.
Even today we are aware of where she is and team members have been monitoring her.
We are working closely with Jessie's owners to help in the search of their dog and we all appreciate the wonderful public support and reports so far.