The Little Cottage Daycare visit the GSPCA for a tour and bring lots of lovely goodies

Submitted by Steve on 16:01, 15th May, 2019 | 0

Last week The Little Cottage Daycare pre-school visited the GSPCA for a behind the scenes tour with Tim Pellet the GSPCA Community and Training Officer.

Tim said “Last week we were delighted to show around the Little Cottage Daycare pre-school group."

“We were able to show them around several departments where they met Honey the Hedgehog, Lindt & Hugo the lop eared rabbits, the seals, peeked at the razor bill, said hello to Sam the Tortoise and stroked Nellie the Bearded Dragon!”

“They visited Bunny Hop Hill and saw the Memorial Garden too.”


Benny the cat writes to the GSPCA to let us know how he is doing in his new home

Submitted by Steve on 15:38, 15th May, 2019 | 0

At the GSPCA the team love to hear how the animals are doing that have been adopted and we wanted to share this wonderful letter from Benny a cat that was recently rehomed -

‘Dear Steve and Anna

As promised I am writing to let you know how I am getting on in my new home.

I've been here a week now and settling in very well.

I was very timid on the first day and took a few hours to even venture very far from my cat box.


Training for GSPCA volunteers and placements

Submitted by Steve on 12:00, 15th May, 2019 | 0

No matter whether a member of staff, volunteer, work placement, Work to Benefit, work experience, voluntourist, CSR volunteer or anyone helping at the GSPCA all of those that help are valued and we strive to provide the training they require to do the very best for the animals and those around them and the community we serve.

Training is not always about just animal care as we have to look after one another and recently some of those volunteering and placements got the opportunity to attend a first aid course.


A wonderful Dog First Aid Course at the GSPCA – Cat First Aid on the 20th May and next Dog Course 18th November

Submitted by Steve on 13:42, 8th May, 2019 | 0

Last night we held our the first 2019 course in Dog First Aid at the GSPCA.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We had a wonderful evening last night at the GSPCA.”

“There were 4 on the course learning how to save a dogs life and we have further courses planned for this year.”

“Everyone really enjoyed the evening and shared stories of their own experiences whish we talked about and learned from.”

“We have been running dog and cat first aid courses for over five years and have trained over 250 participants to help save animals lives.”


Two cats urgently in need of a loving new home

Submitted by Steve on 12:59, 8th May, 2019 | 0

The GSPCA have been asked to help spread the word to help two cats find a very special home.

Here are the details –

Alfie (black) and Indie (grey) are two 7 year old, indoor cats looking for a new home.

Sadly, due to health issues the owner is moving to Perth, Australia and she cannot take them with her as they would not manage the trip and months in quarantine.


Have you seen the petition Ban plastic carrier bags in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 12:50, 8th May, 2019 | 0

With over 5,000 signatories the web page ‘Ban plastic carrier bags in Guernsey’ has gained a rapid growth of support and response since being launched.

The GSPCA help over 2000 sick and injured wild animals every year and often see litter related casualties.

From sea birds with fishing line caught in their beaks and stomachs to the rare sea turtles which are often casualties to ingested carrier bags thinking they are squid or jellyfish.


Fifth GSPCA Volunteer Evening takes place on Liberation Day 9th May at 630pm

Submitted by Steve on 11:00, 8th May, 2019 | 0

Tomorrow may well be a day off for many but at the GPSCA we have a busy day not only looking after 500+ animals and running two fund raising stalls in St Peter Port and St Andrews as well as running our ambulance, we will also be holding our fifth volunteer induction for those interested in helping at 630pm with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said  “So far this year we have inducted 63 new volunteers through the induction evenings.”


FIREWORK NOTICE - Liberation Day 9th May Castle Breakwater, St Peter Port 930pm and Guernsey Rangers FC in St Andrews 9pm

Submitted by Steve on 10:42, 8th May, 2019 | 0

Every year we hear of firework related incidents involving animals and children. While fireworks may be exciting and pretty to look at and its fun to celebrate many celebrations with a bang, we must put our safety, the safety of our pets and the local wildlife first. 

Tomorrow as part of Liberation Day at 2130hrs (930pm) at Castle Breakwater in St Peter Port and at 9pm at Guernsey rangers FC in St Andrews there are firework displays planned so please ensure your animals are safe and prepare for the unusual sounds and sights they might be subjected too.


Can you help at our Liberation Day stalls on Castle Emplacement or at the Last Post

Submitted by Steve on 10:30, 8th May, 2019 | 0

Tomorrow around Guernsey we will be celebrating Liberation Day on Thursday 9th May  and as part of the many celebrations the GSPCA will be out with our stalls in town and in St Andrews.

GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne will be manning a stall on Castle Emplacement in town and setting up from 7am and Michelle Champion will be at the Last Post from 10am setting up with both stalls packing up around 530pm.


From over 8500 nominations Beckie Bailey from the GSPCA wins the Petplan and ADCH Animal Charity Employee of the Year

Submitted by Steve on 16:45, 3rd May, 2019 | 0

This week a number of the GSPCA team were lucky enough to attend the Association of Dog and Cat Homes Conference in Birmingham which was an amazing experience meeting over 500 animal charity professionals and volunteers learning from leading charity and animal welfare experts.

On Wednesday 1st May as part of the conference the ADCH and Petplan Awards took place with one of the finalists being our very own GSPCA Animal care Assistant Beckie Bailey.
