Guernsey Community Foundation judges get a behind the scenes tour of the GSPCA & present the Charity of the Year cheque

Submitted by Steve on 18:51, 3rd Dec, 2016 | 0

Last week the GSPCA started giving judges from the Guernsey Community Foundation Awards a behind the scenes tour of the GSPCA.

Two judges Richard Le Tocq with his family and also Fionnuala Carvill with Sadie Siviter de Paucar Development Manager from the Guernsey Community Foundation have received their tours with other judges due to have a look around.

The GSPCA were recently overwhelmed to be awarded the Guernsey Community Foundation Charity of the Year which has been hugely appreciated after a momentous year with so many major stories and developments at the GSPCA.


Want to choose your own Guernsey grown Christmas tree? Soon on sale in a field in aid of the GSPCA - prices and details

Submitted by Steve on 11:30, 3rd Dec, 2016 | 0

On sale soon from the GSPCA we will have a small number of wonderful local Christmas trees that have been grown on island for the last 9 years.

On sale from £25 upwards all money raised will go towards replanting new trees for the future and the majority towards the GSPCA and helping animals in Guernsey.

They are blue spruces which is a top end tree which look fantastic and don't drop their needles.

Also being grown here in Guernsey mean they are as fresh as you can get.


GSPCA Advent Calendar Day 3 - Christmas Hoodies & t-shirts on sale and make great Guernsey gifts

Submitted by Steve on 11:10, 3rd Dec, 2016 | 0

At the GSPCA we have a variety of products on sale to make a great Christmas gift.

We have a wide range of hoodies which some can be seen by popping along to the GSPCA or on our online store -

To see the full range pop into the GSPCA reception 9am - 5pm Monday - Saturday or Sunday 11am - 4pm

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "We have a lovely range of GSPCA tops from t-shirts to hoodies on sale at the GSPCA ideal for that animal fan."


GSPCA Advent Calendar Day 2 - Christmas Pin Badges on sale or could you have a pin badge counter box at your work place

Submitted by Steve on 08:54, 2nd Dec, 2016 | 0

On the second day of our GSPCA Advent Calendar please check out the GSPCA Christmas pin badges on sale.

As well as a Christmas robin we have a snowman and gingerbread man on sale for only £2 each.

The pin badges are set on a festive GSPCA card with a Christmas greeting and the new designs also have some Guernsey French on them.

Not only are they on sale at the GSPCA maybe your shop, business, school or office could sell them with one of our counter box displays.


GSPCA Advent Calendar Day 1 - The gift of sponsoring animals in Guernsey this Christmas

Submitted by Steve on 13:01, 1st Dec, 2016 | 0

With today being the first day of the GSPCA Christmas Advent Calendar could you this Christmas help us make a real difference to animals in Guernsey.

With your help we can ensure thousands of animals are rescued and cared for every year.

Without you the GSPCA couldn't run 24/7 helping animals like the recent 25 Slovakian puppies to the 2 kittens found covered in maggots.

In the last few days we have helped rescue many hedgehogs, birds, stray cats, dogs, baby bunnies and many more all of which need food, veterinary care and many specialist facilities.


Jasper the parrot says 'I don't want to go to work' but he does need a new home in Guernsey - check out the video

Submitted by Steve on 22:57, 26th Nov, 2016 | 0

Jasper is an Amazon parrot in need of a new home at the GSPCA Animal Shelter.

The Shelter currently has dozens of pet birds in need of homes and Japser is one of the cheekiest.

Jasper can say a few things with his favourite phrase being 'I do't want to go to work!'.

Staff think he's a fantastic bird and we have potential homes interested but if you would like to know more please do get in touch.

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said "Jasper is a really lovely bird and very chatty so needs a special home that doesn't mind all the noise and talking."


Asterix the gannet is waiting for a weather break to be released

Submitted by Steve on 22:50, 26th Nov, 2016 | 0

On the 4th November a young gannet was rescued on Pembroke Beach weak and unable to fly.

The bird has been in the care of the GSPCA for just over 3 weeks and has gained in strength and was recently rung ready for release.

The bird which has been named Asterix started in our intensive care room for large seabirds and was them moved onto our rehabilitation pools where it has improved day by day and is now ready for the wild.

The GSPCA team are now looking at the weather for when a break is available to release Asterix back to the wild.


Birthday celebration tours at the GSPCA - Happy Birthday Amelia and Ella from all at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:38, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

Last Saturday the GSPCA helped celebrate two young ladies birthdays at the GSPCA.

GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Cathryn Tyrell welcomed both groups the first at 11am and the second after lunch.

Both groups had a fantastic turnout with Amelia having the first tour and room hire with her friends followed by Ella and her friends around who all had a great day visiting the many animals and getting many special treats from stroking the animals to gifts.


9 New Dog First Aiders - Cat First Aid Course Tuesday 29th November places still available

Submitted by Steve on 22:03, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

On Tuesday we welcomed 9 attendees to our GSPCA dog first aid course at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.

Despite a cold, windy and wet evening the group spent the evening in the training room at the GSPCA with Manager Steve Byrne.

The attendees learnt a wide variety of ways to help dogs from those suffering with heat exhaustion to those choking.

Betty an English Bull Terrier who is looking for a home made an appearance and the group learnt how to find a heart beat.


Thank you to all that supported & organised the Grammar School Christmas Fayre from all at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:48, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

Last Saturday the Grammar School held their annual Christmas Fayre.

A team of volunteers from the GSPCA attended with a stall and we would like to thank them and all that attended for their fantastic support.

In just two hours between 2pm and 4pm Steve Byrne, Jo Fox and Joseph Fox managed to raise just over £194 through the games and goods on the GSPCA stall.

With loads of fun things to do, plenty of stalls and of course Santa in his grotto a fun time was had by all.
