Wonderful Round Table Christmas Fayre - thank you all involved

Submitted by Steve on 17:35, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

On Sunday despite the awful weather a team of GSPCA volunteers headed to Beau Sejour to join the wonderful annual Round Table Christmas Fayre.

The team arrived and started to set up at 8am ready for the droves that arrived when the doors opened at 9.45am.

Helen Holmes, Jo Fox, Joseph Fox and Steve Byrne were kept very busy all day serving the many customers who shopped for their gifts off our stall, Christmas cards, teddies and playing the many games we took along.


Update on Poppy the grey seal pup at the GSPCA - can you help donate to her care

Submitted by Steve on 17:04, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

Last week an extremely young grey seal pup with no mum in site was rescued in Alderney.

Poppy as she has been called is responding well to treatment and has made it through the first 12 days at the GSPCA.

The are now clear signs of her losing her white coat and we continue to do all we can to ensure she survives.

The GSPCA working with local vets have been giving Poppy around the clock intensive care in a heated isolated seal room at the Shelter and we are pleased to say she is now receiving fish as well as other treatments.


Volunteer appeal for tomorrow (Saturday) can you help with our Flag Day at Waitrose stores around Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 15:45, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

Can you help us this Saturday (tomorrow) with our Waitrose Flag Day. We are at both Waitrose stores on 26th November and we are appealing for volunteers to assist us collecting funds for the hundreds of animals in our care.

Time slots are 10-12, 12-2, 2-4, 4-6pm

If you would like to help fund raise with us this year please do let Sarah know on 257261, pop in or email [email protected]

Please let Sarah know when and what time is convenient.


Kit Kat after 8 months and a lot of treatment for an infected mouth finds his forever loving new home

Submitted by Steve on 22:59, 17th Nov, 2016 | 0

Back in March a stray cat was rescued and made its way to the GSPCA.  Sadly no owner could be found and the poor cat had a number of health issues.

The GSPCA named the cat Kit Kat who is a lovely man and who came to us as a stray with one of the worst mouths we have ever seen.

After a number of tests it was found that he has calicivirus, due to this the poor boy had to have all his remaining teeth removed and also had a few courses of antibiotics.

Because of his condition he needed to be a house cat with no other pets present, especially cats.


Iris the cat is very happy in her new home

Submitted by Steve on 22:23, 17th Nov, 2016 | 0

We always love to hear from owners of adopted animals from the GSPCA and last week we waved Iris the cat off to her new home.

Iris was found as a stray with a few minor health issues including fleas and a little fur missing and sadly with no microchip and despite trying to find an owner she wasn't claimed so was placed up for rehoming.

With all stray animals under Guernsey law we have to care for them for a period of 21 days to give an owner time to come forward and do what we can to reunite them.


Pip the Kestrel back in the wild in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 21:53, 17th Nov, 2016 | 0

Last month another injured kestrel was rescued in Guernsey after a very busy few months with birds of prey.

'Pip' as the female bird has been named was rescued after being found with an injured wing in the Amherst area.

Thanks to the care of the team at the GSPCA and help from local vets the bird made a quick recovery and was recently rung and after a spell in a soft release pen the door was opened and Pip is now back in the wild.


Birthday celebrations at the GSPCA - Happy Birthday Macie-Jayne and Lois from all at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 21:27, 17th Nov, 2016 | 0

On the weekend the GSPCA helped celebrate two young ladies birthdays at the GSPCA.

On Saturday GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Beckie Smith showed Macie-Jayne around with her friends and introduced them to a wide range of the animals at the Shelter.

On Sunday GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Cathryn Tyrell showed Lois and her friends around who also had a great day visiting the many animals and getting many special treats from stroking the animals to gifts.


WEATHER WARNING - With the windy stormy weather please watch out for oiled seabirds & seal pups

Submitted by Steve on 21:07, 17th Nov, 2016 | 0

Over the last week across the Bailiwick the weather has been challenging our wonderful wildlife.

From Poppy the grey seal pup in Alderney to oiled guillemots found due to the wet windy weather the GSPCA is being kept very busy.

In the last week we have had two oiled guillemots both on the South West Coast.

Meep Meep and Robinson as they have been named are doing well after their bathes but as the bad weather continues the GSPCA are braced for likelihood of other animals affected by the weather needing our help.


Poppy the grey seal pup growing stronger each day - can you help donate to her care at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:53, 16th Nov, 2016 | 0

On Monday a 2 to 3 day old grey seal pup with no mum in site was rescued in Alderney.

Poppy as she has been called is responding well to treatment and has made it through her second night at the GSPCA.

Already there are signs of her losing her white coat and we continue to do all we can to ensure she survives.

Yesterday John Knight local vet and GSPCA President popped in to check her over and was pleased with her progress and condition.


Come see the GSPCA at Le Friquet Garden Centre on Saturday 3rd December

Submitted by Steve on 17:06, 16th Nov, 2016 | 0

Le Friquet Garden Centre have a lot planned over the upcoming weeks to Christmas and on Saturday 3rd December the GSPCA will join them with a stall to raise funds for the many animals in our care

Our fund raising stall will have all our classic tombolas, games and a few Christmas gifts on sale.

Le Friquet Garden Centre will also have the ice rink and to find out full details please click the link below.
