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This Sunday pop into St Peter Port to support the Arts Seafront Sunday and visit our stall raising funds for animals in Guernsey.
From 10am until 4pm the sea front will be packed with stalls and things to do with an arts theme.
We are extremely thankful to Arts Sunday for allowing us to join them this weekend.
If you can help out on our stall we will be setting up from 8am and will be there until just after 4.30pm.
As part of Volunteers Week and our continued recruitment of volunteers to help animals in Guernsey last night we greeted 7 new faces wanting to help at the GSPCA.
From work experience to Duke of Edinburgh, dog walking to reception, cat pen cleaning to helping with the wildlife, fund raising to volunteering to gain experience for their CV all of the group were looking to help the work of the Animal Shelter and some to help gain life skills.
Getting to the Shelter was a little challenge with the road closure but all arrived around 6.30pm.
Once again the GSPCA managed to locate Jessie but she continues to refuse to let anyone close to her.
Recent sightings have all been in the North West of Guernsey and we ask anyone that spots Jessie to immediately call us on 257261 and not approach as she will likely run from the area.
Previously Jessie the stray beagle cross has been seen on multiple occasions in and around the St Martins, St Andrews, St Peter Port, Forest, Castel and Vale area and we have been trying to feed her in and around a trap central to these locations.
Last week we held a series of guided tours around the GSPCA.
Each school break at the GSPCA we have planned guided tours, but you can book one off trips by contacting us at the GSPCA.
The school break trips we charge a minimum donation of £5 an adult and £3 per child and for a family of 4 it is only £15.
If you would like to book an exclusive trip we ask for a minimum donation of £40 for a group up to 8 and an additional £5 per person for larger groups.
Tours take around 80 minutes and it is your chance to see behind the scenes at the GSPCA.
Over the last few days Jessie the stray beagle cross has been basing herself on the west coast.
On the weekend GSPCA staff, volunteers and members of the public were very close to catching her and today sightings at Grandes Rocques meant a GSPCA team were dispatched but once again she managed to disappear.
We are asking those living on the west coast and near Cobo, Port Soif, Grandes Rocques and Rousse to keep an eye open for Jessie.
On Sunday 28th June 2015 at the Royal British legion in L'Islet a charity bingo and raffle is being held in aid of the GSPCA.
Tickets are on sale for £1 each at the GSPCA and to buy yours please call 01481 257261 or pop into the Shelter in St Andrews.
Doors open at 4pm and eyes down at 6pm.
We are hugely grateful to those involved and inviting us to be part of this wonderful event and would love to fill the hall which often seats up to 300 players.
On Friday the search for Jessie was at Grandes Rocques traveling towards Cobo which is where the reports and search was based 3 weeks ago.
Yesterday she was spotted at Port Soif near the kiosk and late Saturday near Rousse kiosk.
On Friday and Saturday GSPCA team members were out in the area talking to those walking around Grandes Rocques, Cobo and Port Soif.
Today a team went out to Rousse and with the help of members of the public we got very close on a number of occasions, but sadly despite over 2 hours of tracking her she managed to evade the search party
Early this week after the Bank Holiday and many events in and around St Peter Port Jessie the stray beagle cross moved west.
We have had a few reports around 5pm yesterday evening of Jessie being seen at Grandes Rocques traveling towards Cobo which is where the reports and search was based 3 weeks ago.
Today she has been spotted at Port Soif near the kiosk.
Staff have been out in the area talking to those walking around Grandes Rocques and Cobo yesterday and again out at Port Soif earlier today, but sadly she seems to have gone to ground once again.