GOOD NEWS - Longest stay cat 'Molly' settles into her new home

Submitted by Steve on 12:53, 7th Mar, 2016 | 0

Molly a black female cat that arrived at the GSPCA in October 2014 finally found her forever home last week.

For over a year at the GSPCA the team have been trying to find Molly a home but sadly many of the black cats are passed by especially those in their older years.

Molly arrived at the Shelter on the 4th October 2014 after her owner could no longer care for her. When she arrived she was found to have an eye ulcer that took many months to heal.


TURTLE UPDATE - Olivia has a full check over at the vets - please donate to her care

Submitted by Steve on 16:30, 4th Mar, 2016 | 0

On Wednesday at the GSPCA we rescued an extremely rare loggerhead turtle at Vazon which although still weak has made it through the first 48 hours thanks to Vet John Knight and the team at the GSPCA.

Today it was decided to give Olivia a full check over so she has had xrays, bloods taken, faeces sample sent off, tube fed and been on a drip.

Olivia behaved very well throughout the tests and seemed thankful for the tubing and drip.  She also received a number of other treatments and injections to help her condition.


16 new volunteers join the team at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 12:32, 4th Mar, 2016 | 0

Last night we greeted over 16 new volunteers who packed the Shelter in St Andrews.

The volunteer induction was given by GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne which started just after 6.30pm.

The new volunteers enjoyed a few biscuits and the group found out about the work of the GSPCA, how they could help and an induction on working safely.

A pack was handed to each and also a certificate of attendance and thanks.

After the talk which took just over an hour each of the interested volunteers had the opportunity to have a chat with the GSPCA Manager and set a date to start.


UPDATE - Olivia the loggerhead turtle at the GSPCA is still very weak and is seeing the vet for further tests this morning

Submitted by Steve on 12:23, 4th Mar, 2016 | 0

Olivia the loggerhead turtle who was rescued late on Wednesday is still very weak and the team at the GSPCA are doing all we can for her.

She saw the vet yesterday for the second time and will be seeing local vet John Knight for further tests and treatments this morning to see what internal issues she may have.

We will of course keep you up to date and to donate to her care and see her rescue story please read below -


GSPCA rescue a Loggerhead Turtle on Vazon Bay in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 09:34, 3rd Mar, 2016 | 0

Yesterday just after 4pm the GSPCA were called out to what was reported to be a stranded turtle on the west coast of Guernsey.

Ambulance Collection Officer and Marine Medic Geoff George responded to the call and when he arrived at Vazon was faced with a Loggerhead Turtle.

With the assistance of a kind member of public they quickly got the very sick and weak reptile into the GSPCA Ambulance where it was then transported directly to the wildlife unit at the Animal Shelter.


Volunteer Induction Evening 6.30pm this Thursday 3rd March

Submitted by Steve on 09:30, 1st Mar, 2016 | 0

This Thursday we hold our third volunteer induction of 2016.

We are blessed with over 600 volunteers helping the GSPCA every year and on average over 90 every single week.

Here are full details on getting involved -

We are always looking for volunteers to help at the Shelter in a variety of roles. Volunteers helping raise funds for the GSPCA Animal Shelter Guernsey


Buzz Aldridge an injured Alderney buzzard now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 12:50, 26th Feb, 2016 | 0

Earlier this week an injured Alderney buzzard took an Aurigny flight to Guernsey.

The injured bird of prey which was recently taken in by Alderney Animal Welfare Society and on Wednesday 'Buzz Aldridge' as the bird has been named was transported by plane to Guernsey Airport and then on to the GSPCA where we have the facilities to care and rehabilitate a variety of wildlife.

The bird is very weak and struggling to fly so will likely need time to rehabilitate.


Wee Billy isn't that wee anymore - could you help the hedgehogs in our care at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 16:54, 24th Feb, 2016 | 0

Every year hundreds of hedgehogs are rescued and cared for at the GSPCA in Guernsey.

Last September as the summer ended and autumn was setting in a 26g baby hoglet was found, rescued and brought into the GSPCA.

Wee Billy when he was rescued was tiny and really needed his mum as he relied on being milk fed and toileted.

Thanks to the team at the Animal Shelter Wee Billy received around the clock care in an intensive care unit and its wasn't long before we saw the weight gain and growth.


A huge thank you to Sam Reoch and her supporters of her facebook page Helping Animals 2016

Submitted by Steve on 14:43, 24th Feb, 2016 | 0

Earlier this month a wonderful lady made a wonderful donation to help animals here in Guernsey.

Sam Reoch through her Helping Animals 2016 facebook page and her fantastic hard work to raise funds for animals both locally and abroad raised and donated an amazing £100 for those at the GSPCA. 

This fantastic sum was raised through a hamper, hand made heart cushions and donation from Sam and the supporters of the page.


Thank you to Min and Sophie from Blanchelande School who had a sweet sale to help raise funds for animals in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 12:43, 24th Feb, 2016 | 0

Last week the GSPCA received a very kind donation from two young ladies.

Min Maddison and Sophie Charmley recently organised a class sweet sale at Blanchelande School.

An amazing £46.32 was raised and from all the team and animals at the GSPCA we would like to say a huge thank you.

It is truly wonderful the different ways in which money is raised for the thousands of animals that we help every year at the GSPCA and 300 on site.

Maybe you would like to help fund raise?
