Learn how to save your dog or cat this May - First Aid Courses at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:03, 27th Apr, 2016 | 0

Every 6 months we hold cat and dog first aid sessions which prove extremely popular and help owners understand the basics of first aid to help their pets if they get into bother.

The next sessions are coming soon and here they are -

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 10th May 2016 - Ref - Cat 10/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 17th May 2016 - Ref - Dog 17/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 22nd November 2016 - Ref - Dog 22/11

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 29th November 2016 - Ref - Cat 29/11


See us at the Taste of Guernsey Seafront Sunday 1st May

Submitted by Steve on 12:14, 27th Apr, 2016 | 0

If you're out and about why not pop by the Taste of Guernsey Seafront Sunday this weekend.

We will be setting up from 8am for a 10am start and it is their first Seafront Sunday of 2016 and first of the year.

It is likely we will be once again just outside Marks and Spencer with all of our fun games and tombolas.

The GSPCA will hopefully have a stall at every Seafront Sunday this year and on Liberation Day and we are looking for volunteers to help us out on the days.


Volunteer Induction Evening Tuesday 3rd May 6.30pm

Submitted by Steve on 11:52, 27th Apr, 2016 | 0

On Tuesday 3rd May we hold our fifth volunteer induction of 2016.

We are blessed with over 600 volunteers helping the GSPCA every year and on average over 100 every single week.

Here are full details on getting involved -

We are always looking for volunteers to help at the Shelter in a variety of roles. Volunteers helping raise funds for the GSPCA Animal Shelter Guernsey


UPDATE - Fur Baby Fundraiser - Please sponsor and support Aoife and Mike in their half marathon challenge

Submitted by Steve on 20:43, 26th Apr, 2016 | 0

We are pleased to announce that Aoife and Mike are up to £1.051 raised towards their upcoming challenge and continue to appeal for your support.

On the 19th June they will undertake the Guernsey Dairy Half Marathon and are raising funds to help the many animals at the GSPCA.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "Aoife and Mike popped in to see us in February for a chat and it is wonderful that they have chosen the GSPCA as their charity of choice with what I am sure will be no easy challenge."


Sign up for the Animal Mascot giant 5-a-side football at our Seafront Sunday 15th May

Submitted by Steve on 20:24, 26th Apr, 2016 | 0

Giant Animal Mascot is a 5-a-side football event for the first time

Once again we will be holding a Giant Animal Mascot event but this year there are a big twist.

This is open to mascots and individuals prepared to dress as an animal and play a fun football game with a rather over sized ball.    

We are asking businesses, pubs, individuals or anyone as a team of 5 or an individual and we can make extra teams on the day.

Don't worry about what to wear we will provide the Giant Animal Mascot suit and have over 70 available.


Emails up and running again at the GSPCA - sorry for any inconvenience

Submitted by Steve on 16:08, 25th Apr, 2016 | 0

The GSPCA over the weekend had issues receiving and sending emails from our provider.

The problem now seems to be resolved and we thank everyone for their patience.

The GSPCA have a number of email accounts ending with @gspca.org.gg and they appear to now all be working.

We are currently trying to reply to those emails we have received but if you have sent an email and don't get a reply in the next 24 hours please do resend your message so we can ensure we have received it.

Thank you again for your patience and we apologise for the inconvenience.


Please be aware our email service is currently having issues and we are trying to get this resolved

Submitted by Steve on 12:04, 25th Apr, 2016 | 0

We are currently aware that our email provider is experiencing issues which we are trying to resolve.

These are our the @gspca.org.gg accounts.

We believe this started on or around Friday and we have been in touch with the provider and they are doing all they can to rectify the problem.


25 new volunteers join the team at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:24, 14th Apr, 2016 | 0

Last Thursday we greeted 25 new volunteers who packed the Shelter in St Andrews.

The volunteer induction was given by GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne which started just after 6.30pm.

The new volunteers  sat in an area with two snakes in need of a home and the group found out about the work of the GSPCA, how they could help and an induction on working safely.

A pack was handed to each and also a certificate of attendance and thanks.


Lots of interest in volunteering at the Careers Show 2016

Submitted by Steve on 10:15, 14th Apr, 2016 | 0

Last Tuesday the GSPCA took a stall to the Careers Show 2016 for the fourth time and were overwhelmed by inquiries.

Although the Shelter rarely has vacancies the GSPCA are always looking for volunteers to help in a variety of areas and this was of a huge interest to many of the visitors at the Careers Show.

For many of the Year 9 students it is the first time they are able to help at the Shelter, as to become a volunteer with animals at the Shelter the minimum age is 14 years.

This meant that hoards of Year 9's swamped the GSPCA stand to find out how they could help.


Looking for something to do next week with the kids? Guided tours at the GSPCA Monday 11th to Friday 15 April - book your place

Submitted by Steve on 14:02, 6th Apr, 2016 | 0

It's about to be that time again when the kids are off and many families and visitors are looking for things to do in Guernsey.

During the school breaks we run a series of guided tours at the GSPCA and we have planned them through 2016 with some special tours for the children.

It is your opportunity to visit behind the scenes at our Animal Shelter in St Andrews and see the inside of the new build.

We are arranging the guided tours on a series of dates at 2pm.
