JESSIE UPDATE - Jessie has stayed along the west coast - sightings 257261 - PLEASE DO NOT CHASE OR FOLLOW HER

Submitted by Steve on 11:53, 19th Jun, 2015 | 0

We are pleased to report that despite Jessie being let out of the trap on Wednesday morning she has remained along the west coast with reports, sightings and GSPCA team members tracking her up until late last night.

As at 11am we have had two reports confirming her location very near the trap, and GSPCA team members monitored her last night feeding next to it although extremely wary and unsure.


World Ugliest Dog Day - What do you think of Loki who is in need of a forever home? We'd love to see pictures of your dogs

Submitted by Steve on 08:29, 19th Jun, 2015 | 0

Today it is World Ugliest Dog Day and what a lovely lad we have in need of a home.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we think this is certainly the case with this young staffie.


Firework pet advice for this Friday 19th and Saturday 20th June - Sale on some Adaptil and Feliway products

Submitted by Steve on 11:47, 18th Jun, 2015 | 0

Every year the GSPCA are called out and receive stray dogs and cats during periods of fireworks that have either escaped or run off due to being scared by the loud bangs they make.

Tomorrow as part of the Harbour Carnival celebrations where we will be with a GSPCA fun games stall, they have planned at 9.45pm along the seafront a firework display. Also in Herm on Saturday at around 10.30pm there is also a firework display planned.


GSPCA relaunch capture for Jessie after her release from the trap this morning whilst on route to collect her

Submitted by Steve on 13:29, 17th Jun, 2015 | 0

During the early hours of this morning Jessie the stray beagle cross took the bait and was caught in the GSPCA dog trap along the west coast of Guernsey.

The team at the GSPCA have been working since the 28th April to capture and reunite this very nervous rescue dog with her owners.


Jessie the stray beagle - we continue to work on trapping & monitoring her movements - sightings please call 257261

Submitted by Steve on 13:38, 16th Jun, 2015 | 0

We continue to monitor Jessie the stray beagle cross who is becoming more confident around our trap although still extremely nervous of people.

GSPCA staff and volunteers continue to monitor her movements, feeding and drinking habits and hope to soon be close to catching her for her owners.

Even today we are aware of where she is and team members have been monitoring her.

We are aware that yesterday she moved inland around the Oatlands area, but she is now back on the west coast.


During June Microchipping only £3.99 at the GSPCA - Microchipping Month in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 07:53, 15th Jun, 2015 | 0

National Microchipping Month is a campaign that encourages and promotes responsible pet ownership through microchipping as the preferred method of permanent identification. Throughout the month of June the GSPCA will be supporting this event by offering reduced priced microchipping for only £3.99 for dogs, cats and rabbits (normal price at the GSPCA £4.99).


Do you need sub soil? We're looking to rehome something a little different and have a digger here this week to load you van

Submitted by Steve on 14:46, 14th Jun, 2015 | 0

With the new animal welfare build going well the GSPCA are looking to rehome some of the remaining soil that was taken out to enable the new structure.

The sub soil is of a gritty texture and if you can help we would love to hear from you.

We have a digger on site this week so if you can help with a little or a lot please call 257261 or email [email protected] and we can arrange to fill your van, truck or trailer.


Survey from the GSPCA - With the UK making it compulsory to microchip dogs what should we do in Guernsey for our pets?

Submitted by Steve on 14:41, 14th Jun, 2015 | 0

At the GSPCA we help thousands of lost and found animals in Guernsey every year and we would like to know your views in relation to compulsory microchipping of pets in Guernsey.

In the UK many dog owners will be unprepared for new legislation which makes it compulsory to microchip their pets from April 2016.


Jessie the stray beagle - we continue to work on trapping & monitoring her movements - any sightings 257261

Submitted by Steve on 12:23, 13th Jun, 2015 | 0

We continue to monitor Jessie the stray beagle cross who is becoming more confident around our trap although still extremely nervous of people.

GSPCA staff and volunteers continue to monitor her movements, feeding and drinking habits and hope to soon be close to catching her for her owners.

Even today we are aware of where she is and team members have been monitoring her.

We are working closely with Jessie's owners to help in the search of their dog and we all appreciate the wonderful public support and reports so far.


Jessie the stray beagle - we continue to work on trapping & monitoring her movements - any sightings 257261

Submitted by Steve on 22:50, 11th Jun, 2015 | 0

We continue to monitor Jessie the stray beagle cross who is becoming more confident around our trap although still extremely nervous of people.

GSPCA staff and volunteers continue to monitor her movements, feeding and drinking habits and hope to soon be close to catching her for her owners.

Even this evening we are aware of where she is and team members have been monitoring her.

We are working closely with Jessie's owners to help in the search of their dog and we all appreciate the wonderful public support and reports so far.
