Elsie loving her new home

Submitted by Steve on 14:45, 11th Apr, 2022 | 0

At the GSPCA we love to hear how the animals adopted from the GSPCA are settling in and recently we heard from the owner of Elsie the 14 year old cat who was recently adopted.

To make a donation you can go to https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA)

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Elsie arrived at the GSPCA last August with a number of health issues as a stray with no microchip.”


First of 2022 and it is the BIGGEST seal release the GSPCA has done

Submitted by Steve on 16:27, 8th Apr, 2022 | 0

Just after 3pm today the GSPCA boxed up three Guernsey grey seal pups after months of care and headed to the South West of Guernsey.

Sizzle who was rescued on New Years Eve near the smelly pond in the Vale, Jagho Herman rescued in Herm mid December and Blueberry rescued at Fort Grey just before Christmas all extremely emaciated and with a variety of health problems have been nursed back to health, all more than doubling their weight and today saw them released back to the wild.


Maverick the first seal pup rescue of 2022 rescued at Les Pecquiries

Submitted by Steve on 12:21, 5th Apr, 2022 | 0

This week the GSPCA team were made aware of a very poorly thin seal pup along the Guernsey coast.

Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George did get very close to the pup yesterday but it manged to get away.

This morning we had another call and thanfully Geoff managed to contain the grey seal pup who is now back in intensive care at the GSPCA, separate to the other 6 seals in our care.


Spring has sprung so here is some Important Information Baby Bird Advice

Submitted by Steve on 22:49, 30th Mar, 2022 | 0

The GSPCA have been extremely busy in recent weeks with the arrival of the first Spring baby birds needing hand rearing that have been found or rescued.

Baby birds are always where possible best left in the wild to be rehabilitated by their parents.

Yvonne Chauvel GSPCA Animal Care Supervisor said “With the mild weather and start of Spring we have started to see the first baby birds of 2022.”

“We’ve had quite a few ducking and a variety of others.”


Lovely Cat First Aid Course at the GSPCA took place Wednesday 30th March & more dates set

Submitted by Steve on 22:19, 30th Mar, 2022 | 0

On Wednesday 30th March the GSPCA will held the first Cat First Aid Course of 2022.

Taking the course was GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who has over 25 years working in the field of animal rescue and with over 3000 animals through the doors every year at the GSPCA the team see cases of animal first aid on a daily basis here in Guernsey.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On Wednesday the 30th March we held our first Cat First Aid Course of 2022 and it was a fantastic evening.”


Huge thanks to the IQ EQ staff who volunteered at the GSPCA on Friday

Submitted by Steve on 22:26, 24th Mar, 2022 | 0

Last Friday a team of staff from IQ EQ spent a day volunteering at the GSPCA.

7 IQ EQ staff arrived at 9am to be greeted by Tim Pellett the GSPCA Training and Community Officer.

They started with a lovely picture at the front of the Animal Shelter before they began a day of helping around site and specifically painting many areas including the GSPCA Reception and Hospital Building.

Through the day they learnt about much of our work and met many of the team and finished with a tour of the site to see the many animals and much of our work.  


Cat First Aid Course at the GSPCA this Wednesday 30th March book your place now

Submitted by Steve on 21:56, 24th Mar, 2022 | 0

On Wednesday the GSPCA will be holding their first Cat First Aid Course of 2022.

Taking the course will be GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who has over 25 years working in the field of animal rescue and with over 3000 animals through the doors every year at the GSPCA the team see cases of animal first aid on a daily basis here in Guernsey.


Wanting to help animals in Guernsey, looking to do some gardening or help on a front desk? Check out volunteering opportunities

Submitted by Steve on 16:04, 23rd Mar, 2022 | 0

At the GSPCA we continue to operate a cautious approach, but we are again recruiting volunteers that are 18 or older.

There are many opportunities to help our 24/7 work and for those interested please complete a volunteer application form and send it to [email protected]

To download an application form please click here 


Pedro the puffin and friends doing well at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 11:54, 22nd Mar, 2022 | 0

On Wednesday 9th February an oiled puffin was rescued on Lihou.

The very poorly bird is on the road to recovery.

The GSPCA are currently fund raising for a new Wildlife Hospital and to buy a brick or support this build go to – http://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/exciting-news-gspca-relaunch-wildlife-hospital-appeal-can-you-help-future-bailiwicks-wildlife


It is #InternationalDayoftheSeal please support our 6 seal pups by donating to their care

Submitted by Steve on 11:27, 22nd Mar, 2022 | 0

Today is #InternationalDayoftheSeal and with our 6 seal pups at the GSPCA we really need your support.

Eating at least 20-30 fish each per day we are going through a lot of fish every day and we need your support.

To make a donation to help the seals in our care please go to https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA) 
