Mona & Lisa, Mother & Daughter Hedgehogs are back to their Guernsey seaside home

Submitted by Steve on 16:56, 11th Jun, 2014 | 0

On Friday we saw the close of our Hedgehog Awareness Competition entries close and we have had so many fantastic posters and photos of hedgehog homes.

The team will be short listing the finalists this week but every day the GSPCA have been seeing sick, injured and young hedgehogs.

From strimmer injuries to hoglets (baby hedgehogs) found with no mother the GSPCA have been experiencing a busy Spring with hedgehogs as well as other species.


Hedgehog Competition - Build a Hog House or Design an Awareness Hog Poster - Celebrating Hedgehog Week 5th -12th May

Submitted by Steve on 12:52, 2nd May, 2014 | 0

On Monday starts Hedgehog Week and to kick off the awareness week the GSPCA have launched two competitions for those aged between 4 and 16 years of age.

With 200 to 300 hedgehogs rescued every year at the GSPCA we see all ages with a variety of health problems.

Sarah Ozanne Animal Care Assistant in the Hedgehog Unit said 'With Spring we see hedgehogs awake and starting to give birth.'


Winter Youngsters Safe and Sound in Guernsey but please watch out for those in need

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:10, 5th Dec, 2013 | 0

Despite the cold snap some of our wildlife and animals have continued to produce young here in Guernsey.

Only yesterday we were called to rescue two young pigeons which are now safe and warm in an Intensive Care Unit which was thanks to the Channel Island Christmas Lottery last year.

Also in the last month we have had two tortie and white kittens who have been called Sparkle and Glitter (we currently have a waiting list for homes looking for kittens) and a duckling which has been called Quack Quack.


Poor Pele got caught out in a football net - Caring for Hedgehogs this Summer

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:04, 26th Jul, 2013 | 0

It is a busy time of year at the GSPCA and Hedgehogs are one of the main species that are having a hard time.

Last night Night Warden Matt Hill-Smith was called out to help rescue a Hedgehog that was caught in a football net.
