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Over the Spring at the GSPCA we have redecorated our reception area thanks to our team and some wonderful donations.
KPMG when they moved offices kindly donated a selection of office equipment and their reception desk now greets you here at the GSPCA which has replaced our old desk.
Thanks to Carpet Solutions who donated new vinyl we have been able to replace the old flooring in reception and E & G Carpet Fitters helped to lay it with our team in assistance preparing the old floor.
Last week NGIT kindly donated 5 refurbished PC's to the GSPCA.
The GSPCA are extremely grateful to NGIT for the much needed equipment.
The equipment will be deployed around site to replace a number of computers that are extremely old.
The GSPCA use computers and software around the Shelter to keep the records of the 1000's of animals that come through our doors, the lost and found records and much more.
Yesterday Spike Productions invited the GSPCA to the OSA Recruitment Pop Up Shop where they were offering their services to the Animal Shelter and other charities to produce short powerful and engaging videos.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager popped down to their set up at the OSA Recruitment Pop Up Shop where Warren Mauger and Daniel d'Avoine from Spike Productions were all set up and very welcoming.
Thank you to all that supported the GSPCA Christmas Pop Up Shop and Late Night Stall on the Pollet during the Thursday nights in the run up to Christmas.
Well over £2,000 was raised between the two and we must thank OSA Recruitment who are based in Smith Street for this wonderful opportunity once again.
Helen Holmes ran the shop and said 'We had all sorts of goodies on sale and even a giant Dulux Old English Sheep Dog on auction, but don't worry he was a cuddly toy.'
Yesterday GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne was asked to pop along to Situations Recruitment to meet Directors Jenny Mitchell and Melissa Campbell.
Not knowing the reason why Steve made his way in the wind and rain to their office near Market Square.
The GSPCA are extremely grateful to the Bumblebee Boat Cruise team who this year raised funds on their stand at the North Show in August.
Their stall was extremely busy with Bumblebee face painting and their free drawer of trips on their boat and they managed to raise the grand sum of £235.20.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We must pass on a huge thank you to all of the Bumblebee Boat Cruise team.'
The GSPCA would like to thank St Johns Community Centre for their very kind donation of £900 earlier this year to help the work of the Animal Shelter.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'It was extremely kind for the St John's Community Centre committee to nominate the GSPCA as one of their chosen charities for the money they had raised.'
'A Every penny makes a huge difference and we are extremely grateful to them for this very exogenous donation and it will certainly help the thousands of animals we help every year.'
Lamar would like to thank the very kind person that has provided him with his cat grass from our Wish List.
We have had another fantastic week of gifts from waterproof cameras to take pictures of the animals to meal worms for the hedgehogs and birds.
After an operation to remove a lump from his throat and an overnight stay Nouska the Husky is back at the Animal Shelter and doing well.
The lump which was found after Nouska was signed over to the Shelter has now been removed and he is on pain relief, antibiotics and a special food to help his recovery.
We have sent the lump away to be diagnosed and will hopefully no longer cause Nouska and more issues.