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On Sunday the GSPCA welcomed 7 local dog owners and individuals interested in learning how to help save dogs lives.
The training session started at 9.30am where Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager talked to the group about basic first aid for dogs and what to do in the event of an emergency.
The sessions take around 2 hours and cover what to do from seizures to CPR.
Once again the GSPCA held a Cat First Aid Course to help feline owners in Guernsey.
With 300 cats killed on the roads and the Animal Shelter helping over a 1000 cats a year at the GSPCA we are always striving to help pet owners.
Yesterday was the last cat first aid course of 2014 but there is a dog first aid course this Sunday and dates set for further courses next year.
At the GSPCA we take safety of the staff, volunteers, visitors and animals very seriously.
With between 200 and 300 animals at the Shelter at any one time the team need to ensure how to act in any incident or accident.
All staff and volunteers are required to go through a comprehensive induction and read through a training booklet before they can help on site.
Due to popular demand at the GSPCA we are holding additional dog and cat first aid courses.
With the next cat first aid course this Sunday the 18th May.
The dates for the first aid courses are:
Cat First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 18th May 2014 - Ref - Cat 18/5
Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 25th May 2014 - Ref - Dog 25/5 (only 2 spaces left)
Cat First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 6th July 2014 - Ref - Cat 6/7
Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 13th July 2014 - Ref - Dog 13/7
Last night with nearly 20 Animal Professionals and Volunteers, the first open training evening was held at the GSPCA in Pet Bereavement.
The GSPCA along with the Guernsey Bereavement Service worked together to hold an evening to help those in the animal industry last night.
Last night at the GSPCA the second Animal Care and Welfare Course saw another 15 graduates.
The Monday night course that started back in January has taken 8 weeks and covered a wealth of topics in caring for animals and working with them.
Last night Sarah, Sue, Siriol, Carolyn, Marilyn, Michelle, Andrew, Simon, Craig, Lisa, Hannah, Zoe, Mandy and John had their last session which covered grooming and coat care. We also recapped the 8 weeks and had a Q and A followed by a presentation of certificates.
Due to popular demand the GSPCA are looking to set additional animal first aid courses later in 2014.
With the dog first aid course on the 23rd March fully booked we are looking at setting additional dates both in May and July.
The dates for the first aid courses are:
Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 23rd March 2014 - FULLY BOOKED
Cat First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 18th May 2014 - Ref - Cat 18/5
Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 25th May 2014 - Ref - Dog 25/5
Cat First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 6th July 2014 - Ref - Cat 6/7