Creidt Suisse staff help out at the GSPCA - thank you from all the team and animals

Submitted by Steve on 10:55, 2nd Nov, 2015 | 0

On Friday 23rd October a team of staff from Credit Suisse gave up a day in the office to help out at the GSPCA.

We were pleased to welcome back Credit Suisse staff to help at the Shelter. Both last and this year many of their team have spent a day helping out at the GSPCA and we are extremely grateful for all of their help and support.


Thank you to The Travel Corporation staff who helped at the GSPCA with a mountain of donations to puppy play time

Submitted by Steve on 23:07, 21st Oct, 2015 | 0

Today 6 staff from The Travel Corporation joined the team at the GSPCA and gave up a day in the office to help out.

The team of staff  arrived at 9am where they received a short induction before helping around site with the 300 animals at the Shelter in St Andrews and a mountain of donations.

A number of the group were versed in helping at the GSPCA after helping last and earlier this year so had a grasp on many of the roles but all were surprised with what they got to do.


New volunteers join the team at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 14:03, 17th Oct, 2015 | 0

On Wednesday we had 14 new faces attend the Shelter for a Volunteer Induction and to find out how they can help.

From school placements to those looking to help out for a few hours each week those attending wanted to help from on the front desk to cleaning the animals out.

The evening started at 6.30pm and GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne not only talked of the work of the Shelter, he also went through an induction so all knew how to work and help safely at the GSPCA.


Volunteer Induction Wednesday 14th October at 6.30pm

Submitted by Steve on 19:49, 7th Oct, 2015 | 0

Our next Volunteer Induction Evening at the GSPCA is on Wednesday 14th October at 6.30pm.

All ages are welcome, but to help on site with the animals you have to be 14 years old or over.

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal care Assistant said "We have a wonderful team of volunteers that help us at the GSPCA and we always love to welcome those wanting to help."

"From gardening to answering the phone there is a job to help in many different ways on and off the Animal Shelter."


A World Cup Rugby team of new faces wanting to help volunteer at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 11:03, 1st Oct, 2015 | 0

Last night we welcomed enough new faces to the GSPCA to set up a rugby team with reserves.

With 20 attending and 12 all signed up with a date to start volunteering at the GSPCA and others to be confirmed we have already started the first three this morning.

The new volunteers during their induction learnt about the work of the Shelter and how to become involved with our 24 hour 7 day a week work.

This morning Phil, Jane and Lili have already experienced cleaning out and caring for the many animals at the Shelter with many others starting over the next few days.


Specsavers help brighten the GSPCA - a HUGE thank you

Submitted by Steve on 14:35, 25th Sep, 2015 | 0

Last Friday a team of 25 staff from Specsavers spent the afternoon helping paint around the site at the GSPCA.

The staff were the third group from Specsavers to help this year at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.


Don't be a Minion to life, why not volunteer - Volunteer Induction Evenings 6.30pm Wednesday 9th & 30th September

Submitted by Steve on 17:55, 1st Sep, 2015 | 0

Our next Volunteer Induction Evenings at the GSPCA are on Wednesday 9th and 30th September at 6.30pm.

All ages are welcome, but to help on site with the animals you have to be 14 years old or over.

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal care Assistant said "We have a wonderful team of volunteers that help us at the GSPCA and we always love to welcome those wanting to help."

"From gardening to answering the phone there is a job to help in many different ways on and off the Animal Shelter."


RECRUITING - GSPCA Volunteer Night and Weekend Wardens - Can you help us man our animal ambulance?

Submitted by Steve on 11:04, 10th Aug, 2015 | 0

We are always looking for volunteers to help us at the GSPCA and we are especially looking for volunteer wardens.

We have provided a 24 hour rescue service for over 40 years and we couldn't do this without our wonderful team of volunteers.

Our Volunteer Wardens help ensure between 6pm and 8am 7 days a week any rescues, collections of strays or other emergencies are responded to.

We are looking for additional volunteers to help provide both the night cover and to help on Saturday and Sunday between 8am and 6pm.


An AGM of thanks and celebrations

Submitted by Steve on 09:30, 30th Jul, 2015 | 0

Last week we held our annual AGM.

To open the evening President John Knight welcomed everyone to the AGM and thanked them for showing their support for the work being done by everybody present.

The event took place at the GSPCA Animal Shelter where we have been based since 1929.

A number of supporters, volunteers and staff attended the event which looked back at the previous year and also the plans for the future.

John Knight gave a report and said "We have again had a very active and successful year at the Shelter and outside."


We welcome 8 new volunteers to the team at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 18:55, 28th Jul, 2015 | 0

On Monday we welcomed 8 new volunteers to the GSPCA.

The new volunteers during their induction learnt about the work of the Shelter and how to become involved with our 24 hour 7 day a week work.

3 of the 8 have already started helping out with our work at the GSPCA and the others start over the next week.

From cleaning the animals to gardening, fund raising to answering the phone there are many roles to help us here at the GSPCA.

We would like to thank all that came along and we are looking forward to everyone helping in the weeks to come.
