Update on the 25 Slovakian puppies & details of The Puppy Smuggling Scandal reports

Submitted by Steve on 17:04, 7th Sep, 2015 | 0

On Thursday of last week two people were in Guernsey Magistrate Court for animal cruelty and fraud to hear their verdicts.

A 59-year-old man from the Slovak Republic was found guilty of animal cruelty and fraud and fined a total of £2,700.  He was told that the fine must be paid from custody or he would serve the alternative of 14 days in prison.

To see the details please click here.


Slovakian man charged for animal welfare offences and fraud after transporting 25 dogs - more details to follow soon

Submitted by Steve on 17:56, 4th Sep, 2015 | 0

Yesterday two people were in Guernsey Magistrate Court for animal cruelty and fraud to hear their verdicts.

A 59-year-old man from the Slovak Republic was found guilty of animal cruelty and fraud and fined a total of £2,700 and was told that the fine must be paid from custody or he would serve the alternative of 14 days in prison.

The 27-year-old woman had charges against her dropped.

The dogs were brought to Guernsey in a van aboard a ferry from St Malo on the 27th August with a final destination in the UK.


Thank you for your donations helping the 25 dogs in our care

Submitted by Steve on 20:16, 3rd Sep, 2015 | 0

The GSPCA would like to extend a huge thank you for the fantastic support we have been receiving over the last few days.

We have been appealing for towels and donations to care for 25 dogs that were transported to the GSPCA last week and the many other animals at the Shelter.

To see the reason why these dogs arrived please click here.


Animal Cruelty - 2 arrested transporting 25 dogs in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 17:51, 2nd Sep, 2015 | 0

On Thursday 27th August, the States Vet received an official notification of concerns for the welfare of 25 dogs being transported in a van from Slovakia to the UK via Guernsey on board the ferry from France.

Guernsey Border Agency officers stopped the van and in conjunction with the States Vet the animals were removed to the GSPCA because of concern for their condition.


Can you help donate towards Betty's care - 2 months on and she is doing well

Submitted by Steve on 14:39, 17th May, 2015 | 0

Just over two months ago GSPCA Welfare Manager Lorna Prince was called to Les Eturs Veterinary practice to assess a dog that had been rushed into their care. Betty, a beautiful English Bull Terrier, had arrived at the surgery suffering with brain seizures, she couldn’t stand up, hold her head up and was blind. Betty was extremely malnourished and weighed less than a third of the weight a healthy English Bull at 13 kgs.


After recent incidents of animal cruelty the GSPCA would like to remind everyone how to report animal cruelty in Guernsey

Submitted by GSPCA on 17:52, 15th Dec, 2013 | 0

After the recent cases of animal cruelty this week we would like to remind everyone of the GSPCA cruelty complaint procedure.

Lorna Prince Welfare Manager said 'If anyone has information of cruelty or neglect to any animal we would ask them to contact the GSPCA on 01481 257261.'

'We receive and have reported hundreds of cases of cruelty or neglect every year and these recent incidents have really concerned everyone here at the GSPCA.'


Nouska back home at the GSPCA after his operation

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:13, 11th Jul, 2013 | 0

After an operation to remove a lump from his throat and an overnight stay Nouska the Husky is back at the Animal Shelter and doing well.

The lump which was found after Nouska was signed over to the Shelter has now been removed and he is on pain relief, antibiotics and a special food to help his recovery.

We have sent the lump away to be diagnosed and will hopefully no longer cause Nouska and more issues.


It's not all just bunny hugging - A Volunteer Evening at the GSPCA Animal Shelter Wednesdy 17th July at 6.30pm

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:03, 11th Jul, 2013 | 0

The GSPCA helps care for and rescue thousands of animals every year and without our wonderful volunteers we really couldn't do it.

From cleaning kennels to fundraising there are dozens of roles for volunteers to help the GSPCA and next Wednesday we have our second Volunteer Welcome and Induction Evening.

With the success of the first last month which drew a crowd of 18 new volunteers to the Shelter the second is planned for 6.30pm on the 17th July.


Thank you to The Best Of Guernsey for the Feature on the GSPCA

Submitted by GSPCA on 13:24, 10th Jul, 2013 | 0

We would like to extend a thank you to the team at The Best Of Guernsey for the feature of the GSPCA.

The page is full of information about the Shelter, what we do, our services, events and much more.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We are extremely grateful to the team at The Best Of Guernsey for the wonderful exposure on what is a hugely popular web site in the Bailiwick.'


If you see kittens at Icart Point please let the GSPCA know

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:25, 10th Jul, 2013 | 1

This week we have received a young kitten that was rescued out at Icart Point.

The GSPCA are concerned that there may be others and if you are out in the area and come across any please get in touch with the Shelter.

Tiger as he has been named was found extremely thin, no mother in site and full of worms, fleas and may not have survived if he had not been rescued.

This time of year kittens are often rescued and brought into the GSPCA and just this morning another feral was rescued and brought in from the Bouet area who is now named Molly.
