St Sampson High School activities week at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 23:16, 20th Jul, 2016 | 0

Last Friday the GSPCA welcomed students from St Sampsons High School for a visit and activities day.

Sarah Creasey the Welfare and Education Officer met the students at the front the GSPCA Animal Shelter before showing the students the facilities in St Andrews and getting them involved helping around site.

The GSPCA have been based at our current site since 1929 and the children learnt about the animals in our care and the work that is carried out 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


Behind the scenes guided tours at the GSPCA Monday 25th July to Saturday 30th July - Book your place here

Submitted by Steve on 22:21, 20th Jul, 2016 | 0

With the schools breaking up for the summer we have guided tours planned next week.

Each term break we run a series of guided tours at the GSPCA with some special tours for the children. Don't forget you can also book a tour for a special event or birthday. For details on special tours please check out -


Sue the kestrel is back on Lihou after being rescued and hand reared by the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:01, 20th Jul, 2016 | 0

Three weeks ago a young kestrel was found and rescued on Lihou Island and brought into the GSPCA.

The young bird which was called Sue and since the 1st July the bird has been hand reared and then placed in a rehabilitation aviary.

Last week when Sue was checked over what was thought to be a she is in fact a he, and he was rung with an ID ring before his release.

In the last few days Sue was deemed fit enough to be returned to where he was found and we are pleased to announce that he was released back on Lihou earlier this week.


Baby Barn Owl Archimedes is back in the wild after 6 weeks of hand rearing

Submitted by Steve on 21:30, 20th Jul, 2016 | 0

After 6 weeks of hand rearing and rehabilitation baby Barn Owl Archimedes who was close to death on entry was returned to the wild this weekend.

The young bird was severely thin and very close to loosing his life and was found near to Candie Gardens very early in the morning in early June.

Thankfully with the skills of the team at the GSPCA and an intensive care unit the young bird survived his first week and as he improved we weaned him to eat himself and then placed in an aviary to see how he fed on his own.


Join the GSPCA at the South Show Friday 12th & Saturday 13th August & Register for the Saturday fun dog show we are judging

Submitted by Steve on 23:04, 19th Jul, 2016 | 0

The South Show at the St Martin’s Community Centre this year is on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th August 2016 (entry day is Saturday 6 August 2016). They are hoping that with your support this will be our best year ever!

Once again the GSPCA will be joining the South Show and this year we will not only be running a stall to raise funds for the animals at the Shelter but we will also be helping judge and compare their fun dog show on the Saturday.


Stray Dutch Rabbit found on Guelle Lane now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:23, 19th Jul, 2016 | 0

Today a stray Dutch rabbit was found on Guelle Lane.

The black and white bunny is in good condition and currently in a pen at the GSPCA

If you have lost your rabbit please pop into the GSPCA or call 01481 257261.

For lost and found advice please visit -


Stray tortoise found on Rue de la Boullerie, St Andrews now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:15, 19th Jul, 2016 | 0

Today a stray tortoise was found on Rue de la Boullerie, St Andrews.

The tortoise is in good condition and currently well in a pen at the GSPCA.

If you have lost your tortoise please pop into the GSPCA or call 01481 257261.

For lost and found advice please visit -


5 New Volunteers join the GSPCA - next induction Wednesday 26th July 3pm

Submitted by Steve on 22:01, 19th Jul, 2016 | 0

Monday afternoon the GSPCA greeted 5 new faces wanting to help out at the Animal Shelter and 24/7 work that is carried out.

Those present were interested in helping with dog walking to reception, cat pen cleaning to helping with the wildlife, fund raising to volunteering to gain experience for their CV and some to help gain life skills.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager greeted the group and gave a presentation and talk about the work we carry out 24 hours 7 days a week, the differing volunteer roles and how to work safely at the GSPCA Shelter and our events.


Taste of Guernsey Seafront Sunday 24th July - GSPCA Stall can you help us man our stall which will be near Thomas de la Rue

Submitted by Steve on 00:04, 19th Jul, 2016 | 0

Could you help man our stall for the Taste of Guernsey Seafront Sunday on Sunday 24th July.

The stall in town we will be setting up from 8am for a 10am start and pack up around 5pm for their third Seafront Sunday of 2016.

Our stall at the Taste Seafront Sunday is likely we will near Thomas de la Rue with all of our fun games and tombolas which helps raise hundreds of pounds for the animals in our care.


Red Cross Grand Summer Fete - Saturday 23rd July - Please support them and see the GSPCA stall

Submitted by Steve on 23:49, 18th Jul, 2016 | 0

On Saturday 23rd July the Red Cross hold their Grand Summer Fete by kind permission of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor Vice Admiral Sir Ian and Lady Corder.

The event will be hosted by Island FM’s Josh Gabriel with stalls, tombola and teas.

The GSPCA have been kindly invited and we look forward seeing you at this fantastic annual event.

Planned is a dance demonstration by B Creative at 2.30pm to entertain the crowds as well as family fun and children’s games throughout the afternoon.
