Why not 'Trick or Pet Treat' this Halloween & collect for animals at the GSPCA & safety tips

Submitted by Steve on 19:39, 25th Oct, 2023 | 0

Every year many children with parents or guardians head out at Halloween on the 31st October dressed up to celebrate the American tradition of 'Trick or Treat'.

With the growing concern of the consumption of sweets and sugar why not this Halloween raise funds for charity.

With the dark evenings it is important to ensure you follow some simple safety hints and tips, but this year could your Halloween night out help benefit the hundreds of animals in need in Guernsey. 


Book now GSPCA Dog First Aid Course Wednesday 8th November and Cat First Aid Course Wednesday 15th November

Submitted by Steve on 11:21, 25th Oct, 2023 | 0

All this year at the GSPCA we have been celebrating 150 years - https://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-celebrating-150-year

As part of the celebrations we have held a range of events and next month we hold additional Dog and Cat First Aid Courses.

For over a decade we have been running dog and cat first aid courses which help teach owners and pet lovers how to save the life of their pet or animal.



Submitted by Steve on 10:23, 25th Oct, 2023 | 0

With a busy firework period fast approaching the GSPCA would like to remind everyone of the notifications to help those affected by the loud bangs and safety information for pet owners.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “With many firework displays confirmed already for the coming days we are reminding all pet and animal owners to do what they can to ensure they are safe, well and cared for.”

“The loud bangs and bright lights can often scare animals and we often see an increase in escaped animals during these periods.”


Volunteer Induction Evening 630pm Wednesday 25th October

Submitted by Steve on 17:21, 20th Oct, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA really could not do so much without its amazing team of volunteers and supporters which have helped for over 150 years.

From the Committee to those that walk dogs, fund raisers to those that help with admin, gardeners to those helping with IT, the companies who send their staff to help to so many others the list goes on and on.

With the GSPCA providing 24/7 we couldn’t do so much without our amazing team.


Birthday Parties are back at the GSPCA – Evie celebrating her 9th year party

Submitted by Steve on 15:02, 20th Oct, 2023 | 0

On Saturday 14th October we held our first Birthday Party since before the pandemic.

Evie who celebrated her 9th Birthday really wanted to have a special experience and her and her friends had a wonderful time at the GSPCA.

Lucy Galliene Evie’s Mum said “Just to say a big thank you for my daughter's birthday party.2

“Evie, her friends and the adults really enjoyed it.”

“Many thanks again.”


Let there be light at the GSPCA - thanks to Edmunson Electrical

Submitted by Steve on 14:30, 20th Oct, 2023 | 0

With over 16 buildings at the GSPCA the upkeep and maintenance is always a challenge.

Also with the challenges with fluroscent tubes many of the old light fittings have needed changing.

The GSPCA would like to say a huge thanks to Edmunson Electrical who recently donated 30 No. 600 x 600mm LED 30 watt suspended ceiling panel lights for the GSPCA Training Room and a number of other areas which were recently fitted by Lamb Electrical.


Volunteers from Yum Kaax Animal Rescue in Mexico visit the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 14:08, 20th Oct, 2023 | 0

This week the GSPCA greeted volunteers from Yum Kaax Animal Rescue which is based in Mexico.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It is always wonderful to meet, chat too and show visitors from other rescues around the GSPCA.”

“This week we got to show volunteers from Yum Kaax Animal Rescue around the GSPCA.”

“It sounds like they have some real challenges in Mexico and it was wonderful to chat and to give them helpful tips and other organisations that can help.”


Volunteers from Les Puces a cat charity in Brittany visit the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:51, 20th Oct, 2023 | 0

Earlier this month two volunteers from a French cat charity popped into the GSPCA for a visit.

The two volunteers from Les Puces which is based in Brittany help cats and kittens through their network of foster homes.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It is always wonderful to meet, chat too and show visitors from other rescues around the GSPCA.”

“It sounds like they have some real challenges with cat numbers in Brittany and it was wonderful to chat and to give them helpful tips and other organisations that can help.”


Half Term Guided Tours at the GSPCA – Limited spaces book now through Eventbrite

Submitted by Steve on 13:09, 20th Oct, 2023 | 0

Next week we are holding Guided Tours at the GSPCA.

With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.

To book please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-educational-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Half Term thanks to team member Karen Lane our Guided Tours are once again taking place as part of our 150 year celebrations.”


Popeye the Barn Owl back in the wild thanks to the care of the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:06, 6th Oct, 2023 | 0

On the evening of the 19th September a very poorly Barn Owl was rescued and taken into the care of the GSPCA.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On Tuesday the 19th September I was on night duty and one of the many animals to arrive that evening was a very poorly Barn Owl.”

“The finder of the bird named him Popeye and he was very thin and had an extremely poorly right eye.”

“He was found in the road near the Hougue du Pommier.”
