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The GSPCA would like to thank everyone that supported Saturdays open morning at the Animal Shelter.
With nearly every tour a sell out, 60 visitors were shown around the GSPCA and found out about the work of the Shelter.
Some of the comments made on Saturday were -
'So today i met baby seals at the GSPCA. along with a guided tour round! GSPCA thank you!!'
'We enjoyed our visit, lovely caring people everywhere. Saw potential pussy cat to be adopted.'
Places are being snapped up fast so please call soon if you would like to attend tomorrows guided tours.
Tours will take place at 9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am and the last at 12.30pm. Each tour takes between 40 and 50 minutes and depending on numbers we may have to split groups.
We can now confirm that 10.30am is full and only a few spaces left for the other tours.
As part of the day we will be holding a bric-a-brac sale, coffee morning and guided tours but booking is essential. Phones close at 5pm today and reopen at 9am tomorrow.
Every day we see sick and injured animals here at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in Guernsey.
Oscar a male black and white cat although looks quite healthy has kidney problems and the GSPCA and our vets are trying to determine what is the exact problem.
After a series of tests he currently is having a 3 week course of antibiotics to hopefully cure what we are hoping will be just an infection.
Oscar is just one of the many un-neutered, stray cats we have had in at the Shelter this year and we are urging owners to ensure their cats are spayed with Spring upon us.
Only announced a week ago there are only a few tables left for the GSPCA Mystery of Masquerade Charity Ball Saturday 2nd November 2013
We would like to thank all those that have already reserved tables but if you would like to attend you need to book as soon as possible so you don't miss out.
Sidney’s Sponsored Events Invites You
Today Clinton Millard is setting off from Guernsey towards Africa for is very brave climb of Kilimanjaro to raise funds to help the GSPCA and MUG.
Clinton Millard says on his blog 'I'm 21 years old, I've wanted to get away on an adventure for a number of years now and I thought there was no better way to start than by climbing a mountain!'
'I will be trekking up Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2013, hoping to raise some money for charity while I'm about it!'
Places are being snapped up fast so please call soon if you would like to attend one of this Saturdays guided tours.
Tours will take place at 9.30am, 10.30am, 11.30am and the last at 12.30pm. Each tour takes between 40 and 50 minutes and depending on numbers we may have to split groups.
As part of the day we will be holding a bric-a-brac sale, coffee morning and guided tours but booking is essential.
Last night the GSPCA was called out to collect a stray rabbit.
Found in St Martins, the very friendly black with a little white, female adult lop eared rabbit was rescued after being found roaming the area.
Safe and sound at the GSPCA we are appealing for anyone that might have lost their hoppy little friend.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'She appears very friendly and very healthy so it is likely she has escaped out of someones garden as there will be many out in this lovely weather.'
'We get many stray rabbits in and care for over 100 every year.'
We would like to thank everyone that supported the Big Fun Family Lunch yesterday.
With 70 hungry supporters attending everyone had a wonderful afternoon.
A special thank you must be extended to the the staff at Les Rocquettes Hotel who enabled everyone to enjoy fantastic food and excellent service.
Also a huge thank you must go to Corinne Connelly and Liz Pirouet who organised the day and provided beautiful centre pieces for each of the tables.
You may have heard about or seen Cinders the cat on the internet or local media.
She came in to the Shelter for rehoming but unfortunately had a number of issues with her health, teeth and gums.
Cinders had an initial opertation and has been on treatment for two months but unfortunately yesterday the brave decision had to be made to remove all but her 4 canines leaving her with a very gummy mouth.
Although never an easy decision, despite a series of treatments, it was decided to remove many of Cinders teeth as it was in her best interest.
The GSPCA would like to thank everyone that has been supporting our Tuesday bric-a-brac and coffee mornings as well as our open days.
So we can continue doing these at the Shelter and to help with other events we are appealing for additional bric-a-brac, games, books, clothes and other charity shop items to help raise funds to help rescue and care for animals in Guernsey.
Many of us are having a Spring clean so when you do yours please think of the Animal Shelter and how your unwanted items can make a difference to animals lives.