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Recently the Guernsey Press put a fabulous article about 3 Freemason Lodges helping 5 charities.
On the 11th November 2023 Mariners Lodge No 168, St Sampsons Lodge No 2598 and Lodge Fidelis No 1809 held a Ladies Night at St Pierre Park Hotel.
Funds raised during the event were shared between Chelsea Pensioners', the Gurkha Welfare Trust, the Friends of the PEH, Guernsey Society for Cancer Relief and the GSPCA.
The evening included fund raising and entertainment and a lot of fun was had by all while raising funds for these worthwhile causes.
Last month the GSPCA ran our 12th Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday and what an amazing day it was.
With the Guernsey Ultra and Guernsey Boat Show there were over 200 stalls and things to do and see.
The day has raised so far over £6000 and rising due to amazing donations like that from the Little Big Brew Co.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “What an incredible Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday we had last month.”
“The Seafront was packed with things to do and see and all to celebrate animals and our amazing community.”
All around Guernsey each year businesses and offices have had their 4 some 3 legged friends come to work and this year Bring Your Dog To Work Day takes places today, Friday 21st June.
Having a dog in the room can make human colleagues more cooperative, reduce stress, increase job satisfaction and productivity.
When adopting a dog or any animal from the GSPCA we often ask how many hours potential owners may be at work. Perhaps the question should actually be - are you able to take your dog to work?
The GSPCA couldn’t do so much without our incredible team.
There are many ways to help the animals in our care and we are currently looking for a number of volunteers to help in a range of roles.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “At the GSPCA we have an amazing team and currently we are looking for those that want to help us do all that we do in a variety of roles.”
“Last week was Volunteers Week and last night we held our 3rd Volunteer Induction Evening of 2024.”
The last weekend of May the GSPCA were once again kindly invited along to the Guernsey Together Festival.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager “We were once again invited along to the Guernsey Together Festival and what an amazing two days we had fund raising and promoting our work.”
“There was so much to do, see and of course amazing music in every direction.”
“Our stall helped raised an incredible £800 over the two days and from all of the GSPCA team a huge thanks to all of the Guernsey Together Festival team, all involved and of course supported this fabulous family event.”
The GSPCA has to extend a warm and caring thank you to Castel Parish for their wonderful donation from their Liberation Day event.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On Liberation Day Castel Parish held a family fun event at Vazon which was full of stalls and bouncy castles around the time when the cavalcade came past.”
“They kindly during this event decided to nominate as the charity they wanted to support and raise funds for the animals in our care and our 24/7 work.”
On Liberation Day the GSPCA we invited once again to the Last Post to join the celebrations with our stall, games and goods on sale.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We had a lovely day at the Last Post for Liberation Day raising funds and promoting our work.”
“Over £300 was raised and a lot of fun was had by all.”
“A huge thanks to Tom and team at the Last Post and all that supported what was a wonderful day.”
“We have lots of events upcoming and also looking for volunteers to help.”
This Sunday the GSPCA will once again be on the Seafront for the last EDABL Seafront Sunday.
This Sunday from 10am till 4pm the GSPCA are delighted to say we will be joining the EDABL Seafront Sunday to raise much needed funds and promote the work of the Animal Shelter.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "We always have great fun at the Seafront Sundays and not only are we looking forward to this weekend, we are appealing for volunteers to help at the second EDABL Seafront Sunday on the 16th June."
This Sunday see the GSPCA and support our stall once again at the GCVC Classic Vehicle Show 2024 at Saumarez Park in Castel.
The GCVC have a fun packed day so please pop down and see all the amazing stalls.
Free entry and parking at Home Farm at £5 per vehicle.
Lots to do and see so please support their day and our GSPCA stall raising funds for the many animals in our care.