FIREWORK ADVICE FROM THE GSPCA as the first of at least 45 events take place and continue to the 16th November

Submitted by Steve on 15:21, 1st Nov, 2024 | 0

Every year we hear of firework related incidents involving animals and children. While fireworks may be exciting and pretty to look at and its fun to celebrate many celebrations with a bang, we must put our safety, the safety of our pets and the local wildlife first. 

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Tonight is the first night of those organizing firework events and there are 45 registered running until the 16th November.”

“That is from those who are registering their events with the States of Guernsey which we also copy onto our calendar on our web page.”


Roar first poorly grey seal pup doing well at GSPCA & appeal for help with challenges ahead with seal rehab in the coming season

Submitted by Steve on 13:40, 31st Oct, 2024 | 0

Last week the GSPCA were called out to a very poorly grey seal pup first heard then seen near Castle Cornet.

To see a VT of the seals please visit  

Geoff George Head of Marinee Mammals said “The weekend before last we were called out to rescue a grey seal pup from the breakwater at Castle Cornet.”

“This is the first pup we’ve been called to help this season and we have named him Roar due to his angry nature.”


Zimba’s the French Bulldogs nasal operation and neutering went well

Submitted by Steve on 13:23, 31st Oct, 2024 | 0

We never know what or who will need our help and last week we highlighted Zimba a loving French Bulldog.

Zimba was in need of a number of medical procedures and to donate to his operations, care and our work please go to


Dog and Cat First Aid training at the GSPCA this November - book now

Submitted by Steve on 16:07, 25th Oct, 2024 | 0

Each year at the GSPCA we hold Dog and Cat First Aid Courses.

For over a decade we have been running dog and cat first aid courses which help teach owners and pet lovers how to save the life of their pet or animal.

GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who has over 27 years working in the field of animal rescue runs the training and with over 3000 animals through the doors every year at the GSPCA the team see cases of animal first aid on a daily basis here in Guernsey.


Thank you to Normandie Health and Safety as GSPCA Manager learns all about IOSH Working Safely

Submitted by Steve on 14:44, 24th Oct, 2024 | 0

Recently the GSPCA Manager popped along to Normandie Health and Safety to learn and undertake the IOSH Working Safely training course.

Health and safety being an essential skill set for us all in this modern world the GSPCA as like every charity and employer have obligations to those that work, volunteer, visit and anyone that comes into contact with our 24/7 work.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Last month I attended the IOSH Working Safely training course at Normandie Health and Safety.”


Why not 'Trick or Pet Treat' this Halloween & collect for animals at the GSPCA & safety tips

Submitted by Steve on 15:08, 23rd Oct, 2024 | 0

Every year many children with parents or guardians head out at Halloween on the 31st October dressed up to celebrate the American tradition of 'Trick or Treat'.

With the growing concern of the consumption of sweets and sugar why not this Halloween raise funds for charity.

With the dark evenings it is important to ensure you follow some simple safety hints and tips, but this year could your Halloween night out help benefit the hundreds of animals in need in Guernsey. 


Please donate to Zimba A Loving French Bulldog in Need of your help!

Submitted by Steve on 14:56, 23rd Oct, 2024 | 0

We never know what or whop will need our help and currently it is Zimba a loving French Bulldog.

Zimba is in need of a number of medical procedures and to donate to his operations, care and our work please go to


Barnacle Bill the loggerhead turtle pool upgrade and possible release

Submitted by Steve on 15:26, 20th Oct, 2024 | 0

On the 6th November 2023 a loggerhead turtle was washed up on the West Coast of Guernsey.

Barnacle Bill as the young turtle was called has since that time been in the care of the GSPCA.

On arrival she was very cold and weak but in the care of the Animal Shelter quickly improved and has been growing and putting weight on ever since.


Roar the first poorly grey seal pup to be rescued in the Guernsey 2024/25 season by the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:09, 20th Oct, 2024 | 0

Yesterday the GSPCA were called out to a very poorly grey seal pup first heard then seen near Castle Cornet.

To see a VT of the seals please visit  

Geoff George Head of Marinee Mammals said “Yesterday we were called out to rescue a grey seal pup from the breakwater at Castle Cornet.”

“This is the first pup we’ve been called to help this season and we have named him Roar due to his angry nature.”


IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL RABBIT OWNERS - Concerns for rabbits with a new version of RHVD2 in UK and France

Submitted by Steve on 14:17, 18th Oct, 2024 | 0

In 2017 the GSPCA confirmed that RHVD2 a disease that can kill both domestic and wild rabbits was present in Guernsey.

The GSPCA have been made aware of a new variant and want all rabbit owners to do all they can to ensure their beloved bunnies are kept safe.
