EXTREME WIND WARNING this evening – GSPCA Advice for your pets and wildlife with High Winds due

Submitted by Steve on 15:55, 4th Jan, 2024 | 0

The GSPCA asks that you think of your animals with the extreme high winds due.

Bad weather means it is difficult for hedgehogs and wild birds to feed normally, and young seal pups can easily be separated from their mothers.

Also we have to ensure our pets are safe and we must think of those that live outside if they are safe and if any precautions need to be taken.


Happy New Year and can you support the GSPCA in 2024

Submitted by Steve on 15:40, 4th Jan, 2024 | 0

The GSPCA wishes everyone and all the animals a Happy New Year for 2024.

As we start 2024 the GSPCA continues our 150th celebrations from being featured on the Guernsey Dairy milk cartons to our upcoming 150th Ball on the 10th February.

There are many ways you can support our 24/7 work from volunteering to supporting our many projects, sponsoring to adopting and much more.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “A very Happy New Year to one and all from the GSPCA and all the animals.”


Birthday Parties at the GSPCA – Dylan celebrating his 7th year party at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:50, 28th Dec, 2023 | 0

On Saturday 25th November we held our second Birthday Party since before the pandemic.

Dylan Byrne who celebrated his 7th Birthday really wanted to have a special experience for his friends at the GSPCA.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The second birthday tour since before the pandemic was a special one as I got the chance to take my son Dylan and half a dozen of his friends around the GSPCA.”

“Dylan and his friends had a wonderful time from meeting Barnacle Bill the loggerhead turtle to being locked in a kennel.”


Huge thanks to staff from BNP Paribas helping out at the GSPCA just before Christmas

Submitted by Steve on 17:38, 28th Dec, 2023 | 0

On Friday 8th December 2 staff gave up a day in the office to help out at the GSPCA.

Sharon williams from BNP Paribus said “I really enjoyed my day volunteering at the GSPCA.”

“I got to walk some of the dogs and socialising some of the cats looking to be re-homed.”

“What a great way to spend the day - it beats writing minutes!!!!”

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On Friday 8th December 2 wonderful staff from BNP Paribas helped out at the GSPCA.”


Huge thanks to Hautes Capelles Primary School helping ensure the GSPCA animals have a lovely Christmas

Submitted by Steve on 17:18, 28th Dec, 2023 | 0

Last week GSPCA team members Neil Hughes and Sarah Goddard attended Hautes Capelles Primary School to collect hampers made from donations from the amazing children from the school Wednesday lunchtime.

They included amazing gifts, treats, foods and toys which we are incredibly thankful for, especially all the animals that enjoyed them, over the last week.

Neil Hughes GSPCA team member said “It was wonderful to collect all the amazing Christmas donations from the children at Hautes Capelles Primary School last week for the animals we have at the Animal Shelter.”


GSPCA Festive Guided Tours each day 130pm Friday 29th December to Tuesday 2nd January – Book your tickets now to see the many an

Submitted by Steve on 16:52, 28th Dec, 2023 | 0

GSPCA Guided Tours are back this festive period.

With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.

To book please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-educational-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Christmas Term thanks to Karen and I we have planned Guided Tours as part of our 150 year and festive celebrations.”


FIREWORK ADVICE - Keep Your Pets safe this New Years Eve & if you are having an event please ensure you notify gov.gg/fireworks

Submitted by Steve on 15:39, 28th Dec, 2023 | 0

This New Years once again the GSPCA want all animals and humans to have a safe and enjoyable celebration.

Every year we hear of firework related incidents involving animals and children. While fireworks may be exciting and pretty to look at and its fun to celebrate many celebrations with a bang, we must put our safety, the safety of our pets and the local wildlife first. 

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “As we fast approach 2024 we want to ensure any fireworks events this New Year are notified to islanders.”


Baby Shark the Boxing Day grey seal pup rescued on Frying Pan Bay

Submitted by Steve on 11:22, 27th Dec, 2023 | 0

Yesterday afternoon on Boxing Day the GSPCA received a call about a very thin seal pup at Frying Pan Bay which is near Buwlver Avenue Bay.

GSPCA Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George headed to the bay where he were faced with a grey seal pup extremely thin and needing rescuing.

To make a donation to help the seals in our care please go to https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA)


Barnacle Bill the loggerhead turtle nearly able to go home

Submitted by Steve on 17:21, 20th Dec, 2023 | 0

Last month after Storm Ciaran a loggerhead turtle was rescued and we are pleased to say from just over 800g without Barnacles that Barnacle Bill is now over 1200g’s in weight

We have two out of the three parts of the CITES paperwork required for her travel and she is doing well.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are still clearing up after Storm Ciaran at the GSPCA, but we are pleased to give some amazing news on Barnacle Bill.”

“When Barnacle Bill she weighed over 1200g’s with her barnacles attached and 800g’s without them.”


Childrens Christmas Colouring Competition - entries in by Wednesday 27th December 2023

Submitted by Steve on 16:49, 20th Dec, 2023 | 0

This Christmas for a bit of fun, why not get your children to join in our colouring competition.
