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Yesterday afternoon on Boxing Day the GSPCA received a call about a very thin seal pup at Frying Pan Bay which is near Buwlver Avenue Bay.
GSPCA Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George headed to the bay where he were faced with a grey seal pup extremely thin and needing rescuing.
To make a donation to help the seals in our care please go to
Last month after Storm Ciaran a loggerhead turtle was rescued and we are pleased to say from just over 800g without Barnacles that Barnacle Bill is now over 1200g’s in weight
We have two out of the three parts of the CITES paperwork required for her travel and she is doing well.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are still clearing up after Storm Ciaran at the GSPCA, but we are pleased to give some amazing news on Barnacle Bill.”
“When Barnacle Bill she weighed over 1200g’s with her barnacles attached and 800g’s without them.”
GSPCA Guided Tours are back this festive period.
With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.
To book please visit
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Christmas Term thanks to Karen and I we have planned Guided Tours as part of our 150 year and festive celebrations.”
The GSPCA are very excited to announce that once again the Pets Foundation launched the
We have an incredible team at the GSPCA that do so much 24/7.
Every day can be a challenge from animals needing rescuing to those so sick we are unable to help, cruelty cases to those animals owners can no longer care for.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager and Trustee for the Association of Dogs and Cats Home (ADCH) said “We have an amazing team here at the GSPCA, as do so many charities across the world.”
“Those that chose to work for a charity care with a passion for what they do, but what we are faced with every day can be upsetting and so challenging.”
The GSPCA continue to clear up after Storm Ciaran and care for many animals affected by the recent awful weather.
We have so many thanks to give for help tidying and clearing up after the storm and one group that helped were from CBO Projects.”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On the 3rd November just after the awful damage caused at the GSPCA due to Storm Ciaran we had so many offers of help and one group were three staff from CBO Projects.”