Appeal for portakabins due to damage from Storm Ciaran and much needed ahead of our BIG BUILD

Submitted by Steve on 13:38, 10th Nov, 2023 | 0

At the GSPCA we are currently in search of ideally 2 portakabins.


GSPCA Launches Urgent Fundraising Appeal in Wake of Storm Ciaran

Submitted by Steve on 11:32, 10th Nov, 2023 | 0

In the aftermath of the destructive Storm Ciaran, the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA) is reaching out to the community for support in rebuilding and repairing significant storm damage to their facilities.



WARNING PET OWNERS - Many firework events rescheduled for tonight

Submitted by Steve on 10:43, 10th Nov, 2023 | 0

With a busy firework events cancelled lots week and rescheduled for tonight the GSPCA would like to remind everyone of the notifications to help those affected by the loud bangs and safety information for pet owners.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “With many firework displays rescheduled for tonight we are reminding all pet and animal owners to do what they can to ensure they are safe, well and cared for.”

"The high winds and weather stopped many firework events taking place last week and all seem to have moved tonight according to the States advice page on fireworks."


Tomorrow GSPCA Dog First Aid Course Wednesday 8th November and Cat First Aid Course Wednesday 15th November BOOK NOW

Submitted by Steve on 17:28, 7th Nov, 2023 | 0

All this year at the GSPCA we have been celebrating 150 years - Share

Barnacle Bill now Barnacleless at the GSPCA in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 17:21, 6th Nov, 2023 | 0

You have likely seen the story of Barnacle Bill who was rescued earlier today at Chouet.

To see the full story please visit -

After arriving at the GSPCA just after 930am this morning local vet and President of the GSPCA popped in with some of his team from the Vetcare Centres to provide Barnacle Bill which much needed treatment.


Barnacle Bill the loggerhead sea turtle one of the casualties at the GSPCA from Storm Ciaran

Submitted by Steve on 11:20, 6th Nov, 2023 | 0

As well as all the storm damage at the GSPCA we have seen many casualties over the last few days.

Today a couple rescued a young loggerhead turtle from Chouet.

Michael Le Page said “We were walking along Chouet this morning  where we discovered many things washed up and one was a sea turtle covered in barnacles.2

“We nearly didn’t see him, but once we realised what he was we picked him up and got him to the GSPCA.”

Michaela Le Page said “We thought he was dead at first as he wasn’t moving.”

“Thankfully he moved so we got him to the GSPCA.”


PET OWNERS PLEASE NOTE Dozens of firework events over the next three nights

Submitted by Steve on 16:01, 3rd Nov, 2023 | 0

From this evening until Sunday we have been made aware of dozens of fireworks events taking place over the next 3 nights.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have all had a rough few days with the weather and from tonight we all now have to think of our pets and animals with the firework events taking place.”

“Tonigh we are aware of over a dozen fireworks events tonight around the same possibly tomorrow and a much larger number taking place on Sunday.”


Could you wear a Purple Poppy in Memory of animals that served with your Red Poppy

Submitted by Steve on 15:43, 2nd Nov, 2023 | 0

Once again auge thank you from all at the GSPCA to Linda and all involved with the Purple Poppy Campaign Guernsey

Organised by Linda Laine and kindly made by Sally Johnson, Sue Queripel, Christa Tee, Sue Haggarty and Odile Davy who all adore animals and are ask the community each November to ‘Please wear your purple poppy alongside your red poppy’.

The Purple Poppies are on sale at various locations including here at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews.


GSPCA battered by Storm Ciarán with extensive damage to aviaries but thankfully all our animals were safely moved indoors

Submitted by Steve on 10:33, 2nd Nov, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA continue to be battered by Storm Ciarán and the 100mph winds.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Although there was minimal damage at the GSPCA at 5am this morning since then we have had a number of trees down and extensive damage to a number of our outdoor enclosures and aviaries.”

“Thankfully the last 2 days we have been making preparations to make the Animal Shelter as safe as possible and we moved all the outside animals in so they are all safe and well.”


GSPCA celebrate 93 years at Rue des Truchots in our 150th year with our BIG BUILD plans for the future

Submitted by Steve on 17:16, 31st Oct, 2023 | 0

This October marks the GSPCA celebrating 93 years at our current site in St Andrews in our150th year.

In October 1929 the GSPCA purchased its present site in the area known as Les Fiers Moutons, St Andrews.

The house, outbuildings and ¾ vergee of land were bought freehold for £400.00 plus a further 2 vergees of land for £120.00 and an extra £5.00 included the spring and well.
