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On the evening of the 19th September a very poorly Barn Owl was rescued and taken into the care of the GSPCA.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On Tuesday the 19th September I was on night duty and one of the many animals to arrive that evening was a very poorly Barn Owl.”
“The finder of the bird named him Popeye and he was very thin and had an extremely poorly right eye.”
“He was found in the road near the Hougue du Pommier.”
In this our 150th year how are you celebrating World Animal Day?
GSPCA 150th Year Ball Saturday 10th February 2024 To find out more -
Local Freemasons and Directors of Autism Guernsey Worshipful Brothers, Jerry Girard, Dr Nick King and Andrew Sparks joined forces with the GSPCA Manager and a Brother Steve Byrne, to raise badly needed funds for both charities by offering sponsorship of 60 handcrafted puffins which were individually painted by artists, school children, community groups and companies from across the island.
Often during the autumn months with the high winds and stormy weather makes it difficult for wild animals and birds to feed and rest.
During and after stormy weather the GSPCA are asking those that live around and visit our coast to please watch out for injured animals in need as well as seal pups which can get separated from their mothers at this time of year especially when we see bad weather.
We have a number of web pages with wildlife advice or you can call 01481 257261 for help 24/7
Yesterday the GSPCA welcomed Janetta Harvey a writer and Trustee from Schnauzerfest for a tour.
Janetta was in Guernsey for a Schnauzer Sponsored Walk which was held on Saturday at Pleinmont and saw 40 Schnauzers of all shapes and sizes get together.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager and ADCH Trustee said “Yesterday it was wonderful to welcome Janetta from Schnauzerfest who help Schnauzers across the UK and are also members of the association of Dogs and Cats Homes.”
Come along and join St John for the finale of the 2023 Seafront Sunday Season. A whole host of attractions, family entertainment, stalls, food and fun awaits, there isn’t a better way to spend your Sunday !
The GSPCA will be on Crown Pier with our stall with goods and games and this is the last Seafront Sunday of 2024.
Autumn Walking Festival
Guided Walk
Wednesday 27th September, 930am
Frescoes, Stained Glass & waterways
In the heart of St Saviour’s a lovely walk through pretty countryside, alongside part of the reservoir, beside duits, down lanes & paths to St Apoline’s ancient Chapel and St Saviour’s Church to see medieval paintings and wonderful stained glass windows and fabulous views along the way.
Start from the Reservoir car park in Rue a L’Or (Perrys guide 21G1), a few minutes walk up hill from Le Mont Saint bus stop – route 61.
Autumn Walking Festival
Guided Walk
Tuesday 26th September 930am
Forts and Forests, Heroes & Villains
A really varied walk overlooking the sea and the petrified forest, pass fortifications and pick up your way down grassy tracks (sometimes muddy), spend a few minutes in a nature reserve hide, step back in time at the Elizabethan Lookout and enjoy the stunning views and hear about a few of the Heroes & Villains of the area.
Start from Vista’s car park, Vazon Bay (Perrys Guide 14B1)
Bus routes 42,91, 92.
Looking to help a reptile in need of a home, well Larry the gecko that’s travelled all the way from Madeira is now looking for a home.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “You may have heard about Larry who is a tiny lizard that hid in the bags of an islander and gave them a shock on their return from a holiday to Madeira.”
“He’s now out of quarantine and is ready to find his forever home.”
“If you can help Larry or any of the animals in need of a home please do get in touch.”
Last Wednesday the GSPCA have had a wonderful group of 7 staff volunteering from the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).
Their team arrived at 9am and were greeted by Training and Community Officer Tim Pellet and helped in many areas around the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews.
Tim Pellett GSPCA Community and Training Officer said “It was great to greet, meet and get the lovely team from RBS helping around the GSPCA last Wednesday.”
“They were a great help and helped in the wedding and tidying around the GSPCA and spruced up our Memorial Garden.”