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The GSPCA continue to clear up after Storm Ciaran and care for many animals affected by the recent awful weather.
We have so many thanks to give for help tidying and clearing up after the storm and one group that helped were from CBO Projects.”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On the 3rd November just after the awful damage caused at the GSPCA due to Storm Ciaran we had so many offers of help and one group were three staff from CBO Projects.”
The GSPCA have had many challenges in 2023 such as the recent storms, but we have also had some amazing support.
During 2023 we have been the chosen charity for the Chamber of Commerce which has come with amazing benefits.
All year they have displayed banners at their office in the Market Building and hosted goods for sale.
We have had the opportunity to talk at events and even fund raise at last months gala dinner and we are hugely grateful for all of their support.
The GSPCA has many wishes this Christmas and thanks to the Coop one has come true.
The GSPCA recently applied to the Channel Islands Cooperative Society Community Fund – Autumn 2023.
You can see some of our wishes here -
Earlier this afternoon the GSPCA received a call about a very thin seal pup at Pembroke Bay.
GSPCA team members Neil Hughes and Geoff George headed to the beach where they were faced with a grey seal pup extremely thin and needing rescuing.
To make a donation to help the seals in our care please go to
At the GSPCA we always love to hear from those wanting to help us out and there are so many ways from volunteering to donating, supporting projects to attending our events.
On Tuesday 14th November 5 staff members from RBS gave up a day in the office to help us out at the GSPCA and after the recent storm damage we are hugely grateful to all that have helped.
GSPCA team member Tim Pellett greeted them and helped coordinate what was a very busy day.
Tim Pellett GSPCA Training and Community Officer said “The folks from RBS were really helpful last month.”
Have you seen the latest milk cartons from Guernsey Dairy?
They are currently featuring details on our GSPCA 150 year celebrations with a QR code to donate to our much needed new Wildlife Hospital we intend to start to build in 2024.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “From all at the GSPCA a huge thanks to Guernsey Dairy for featuring our 150 year celebrations on their milk cartons.”
“It is fabulous to see the RSPCA Assured label on the cartons and it is fabulous that they also have details about our much needed Wildlife Hospital and a donate qr link.”
At the GSPCA we always love to hear from those wanting to help us out and there are so many ways from volunteering to donating, supporting projects to attending our events.
On Wednesday 22nd November 4 staff members from Horsepool Consulting gave up a day in the office to help us out at the GSPCA and after the recent storm damage we are hugely grateful to all that have helped.
Tim Pellett GSPCA Training and Community Officer said “The staff from Horsepool were brilliant.”
There are many reasons cats come into the GSPCA.
Not all have loving caring starts to their lives and at the GSPCA we are always looking for farm or rural cats for those cats that didn’t have the kindest of upbringings or those cats that can be a bit grumpy with people.
Anna Paint GSPCA Animal Care Supervisor said “We currently have three cats with us that are more suited to a free roaming/rural life, Meet. Jim, Ramsey and Twiglet.”
Last month we gave an update on Molly the Chihuahua and in case you missed it, Lorna Chadwick GSPCA Animal Welfare Manager kindly posted –
‘*MOLLY UPDATE* Molly has been with her wonderful foster family for nearly two weeks and she is one very lucky little dog!
Our gorgeous girl was so fortunate when Paul and Julia Watts offered to let her join their family. Not only does she have fabulous humans to look after her, she has a new older brother in Shadow the Boxer and she has settled in really well.
Last month on Wednesday 22nd November the GSPCA has a visit all the way from the Netherlands.
Laura Quist who works at the Dierentehuis rescue was on holiday in Guernsey when she contacted the GSPCA, who were delighted to invite her in and make overseas connections.
The GSPCA are members of a number of overseas organisations including the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes which Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager is also a Trustee for and they we are also a member of the EU Dog and Cat Alliance.