Puppy picture time at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 23:42, 21st Oct, 2015 | 0

Today we would like to extend a huge thank you to Liz Kerr who popped in to take professional group pictures of 24 of the 25 Slovakian puppies with the team and volunteers at the GSPCA.

One pup was out on foster, but the other 24 joined GSPCA staff and volunteers for their first family picture in a group.

The puppies which have been in the GSPCA care for over 7 weeks are very soon to be officially rehomed and the team have been working through the hundreds of inquiries and applications.


We will soon know the outcome of the 25 Slovakian puppies at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:15, 9th Oct, 2015 | 0

6 weeks on from the 25 Slovakian puppies being detained at the GSPCA, many are wondering the outcome for the 18 pups that after the court case remained the possessions of the individuals involved in moving them from Slovakia to the UK.

We are currently awaiting to hear from the law officers who will inform us towards the end of next week the outcome.

We are hopeful at the Shelter and indeed all involved that they will be allowed to remain here in Guernsey and we will disclose the information as soon as we are aware.


Slovakian puppies need collars and lead - Amazon Wish List at the GSPCA - Thank you to those that have donated

Submitted by Steve on 20:01, 8th Oct, 2015 | 0

As the Slovakian puppies grow and the team at the GSPCA expose the puppies to new experiences their vaccinations for some will soon be completed.

We are hopeful once this is the case we will be able to take them out and about but we are currently appealing for leads and collars which you can view or purchase on our Amazon Wish List .


Petplan & ADCH Animal Charity Awards 2016 - Nominations Now Open - Could you nominate someone in Guernsey?

Submitted by Steve on 23:36, 6th Oct, 2015 | 0

Petplan and the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) Charity Awards celebrate outstanding animal charities and not-for-profit organisations across the UK who go that extra mile to help rescue and rehome animals in need.

Petplan has worked closely with animal rehoming centres for over 30 years and sees first-hand the fantastic work that goes on to help improve the welfare of animals. These awards provide an opportunity to recognise the dedication and commitment of charities and give pet owners a chance to say 'thank you'.

What are the award categories?


A wonderful Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday - thank you to all involved and supported

Submitted by Steve on 11:26, 16th Sep, 2015 | 0

On Sunday the GSPCA held the fourth ever Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday in St Peter Port.

Each year since 2012 the team at the Animal Shelter work extremely hard to put on a day to celebrate animals in Guernsey.

Once again thousands of visitors and locals enjoyed what was a wonderful day packed with things to see and do.

Stall holders and the GSPCA team arrived during the early hours of Sunday to set up ready for the first event which was the fantastic Battle of Britain Parade which takes place along the seafront just after 940am.


Roary the GFC Lion & Daniel the Island FM Donkey join Bernard the GSPCA Mascot in the Giant Animal Race this Sunday - Could you?

Submitted by Steve on 19:37, 10th Sep, 2015 | 0

This Sunday we are pleased to announce Daniel the Donkey from Island FM and Roary the Lion from Guernsey FC will be attending and taking part in the Giant Animal Mascot Race.

Joining them will be individuals from Crabby Jacks, KPMG, Travel Corporation, Greenman MCC, Sark Shipping and others and its not too late.

For details please see below -

Giant Animal Mascot It's a Knock Out for the GSPCA 

Once again we will be holding a Giant Animal Mascot Race but this year there are a few twists.


Olaf & Dave the Minion join Bernard the GSPCA Mascot at the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday & Olaf is judging the dog show

Submitted by Steve on 16:50, 10th Sep, 2015 | 0

With only 3 days to go the GSPCA are getting ready for our BIGGEST event of the year the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday and just look who is coming.

Not only do we have Bernard over very own GSPCA Mascot but his friends Olaf and Dave the Minion are popping along to say hello to the crowds.

To judge the fun dog show 'Olaf' will take centre stage to see who has the waggiest tail to dog looking most like their owner.

Olaf and Dave popped by today and are looking forward seeing everyone this Sunday from 10am.


Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday Fun Dog Show - 13th September

Submitted by Steve on 18:08, 8th Sep, 2015 | 0

With only 5 days to go don't forget as part of the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday there will be a fun dog show.


Thank you to those helping our wishes come true

Submitted by Steve on 16:57, 1st Sep, 2015 | 0

We would like to say a huge thank you to the kind an caring supporters who have donated a number of items to help us in our new multi purpose animal welfare building and the many animals at the GSPCA.

Last week we received a few packages at the Shelter and when we opened them they contained a number of toys, weighing scales, litter trays and other goodies.


Thank you to Sandra Bishop for helping our wishes come true - GSPCA Amazon Wish List

Submitted by Steve on 09:21, 15th Aug, 2015 | 0

We would like to say a huge thank you to Sandra Bishop who kindly donated a number of items to help us in our new multi purpose animal welfare building.

Yesterday we received a package at the Shelter and when opened it contained a number of window squeeges and a tay scratcher toy.

We are very excited to be moving into our new Multi Purpose Animal Welfare Building and we now need to kit the facility out with equipment and items to help care for the animals that will be housed within the facility.
