Today is Ferret Day - are you celebrating with your ferret?

Submitted by Steve on 17:39, 5th May, 2015 | 0

Today is Ferret Day and many ferret owners will be celebrating with their wonderful pets.

In recent years we have seen a growing number of stray and unwanted ferrets and currently we have 6 ferrets in need of homes at the GSPCA.

Over the last few years the numbers of stray ferrets being found has gone up each year and we now see over 40 rescued every 12 months with the peek time being through the Summer months.

Our ferrets are neutered before rehoming and we also treat them for any other ailments they may have and we will carry out a home visit before they are homed.


CSR in action - Thank you to The Travel Corporation staff who helped at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:38, 5th May, 2015 | 0

On Thursday and Friday last week 16 staff from The Travel Corporation gave up a day in the office to help out at the GSPCA.

The team of staff were split into 8 on each day and both groups arrived at 9am where they received a short induction before helping around site with the 300 animals at the Shelter in St Andrews.

A number of the group were versed in helping at the GSPCA after helping last year at the Shelter for a day.


Stray dog Jessie sightings between Le Grande Mare and Fleur de Jardin

Submitted by Steve on 11:52, 3rd May, 2015 | 0

Last night the GSPCA had reports of Jessie the lost beagle cross between Le Grande Mare and Fleur de Jardin.

Jessie has been missing from St Martins since Tuesday and on Friday staff got very close to her at the Villoq Estate near Samuarez Park at 3pm.

Previous sightings have been along Les Beaucamps, Route de la Hougue du Pommier and Rue de la Ronde Cheminee.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "Our wardens had calls between Fleur de Jardin and Le Grande Mare last night and it seems that Jessie is moving about quite a lot."


Vale pupils visit the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 11:07, 3rd May, 2015 | 0

On Thursday the GSPCA welcomed pupils from Vale School for a visit.

Sarah Creasey the Welfare and Education Officer met the students at the front the GSPCA Animal Shelter before showing the children our facilities in St Andrews.

The GSPCA have been based at our current site since 1929 and the children learnt about the animals in our care, the work that is carried out 24 hours a day 7 days a week and about our new build which is more than half way through.


Thank you to those that supported the car boot sale in aid of the GSPCA & ACTIVE (formerly M.E.N.F.U.N) last week

Submitted by Steve on 10:36, 3rd May, 2015 | 0

The GSPCA would like to thank ACTIVE (formerly M.E.N.F.U.N) and all that supported the car boot sale at the Alliance car park last week.

Despite a cold and foggy morning dozens of cars turned out and hundreds of shoppers attended looking for a bargain.

The GSPCA raised a wonderful £220 through the stall and shared proceeds from the car boot stalls.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This is the second year we have been invited to share and take part in car boot sales with Active and we are hugely grateful to them and all that support the events."


The search for Jessie the stray beagle - last seen near Samaurez Park

Submitted by Steve on 17:15, 1st May, 2015 | 0

Today GSPCA staff have been within metres of Jessie the lost beagle cross that has been missing from St Martins since Tuesday.

The most recent occasion was GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne tracked her down to the field next to the Villoq Estate near Samuarez Park at 3pm.

Yesterday sightings came from Route de la Hougue du Pommier and Rue de la Ronde Cheminee, with our wardens also out at 3am at Les Beaucamps where they also came very close to her.


Dogs on beaches in Guernsey - please note from today there are restrictions in place

Submitted by Steve on 16:59, 1st May, 2015 | 0

Please note dogs are not allowed on or off lead on the following beaches between 1st May – 30th Sept:


Petit Bot


The Northern end of Vazon

Port Soif


L’Ancresse / Pembroke

Dogs are also excluded from Shell Beach, Belvoir Bay, Fisherman’s Beach and the stretch of beach in front of the White House Hotel to the Herm Jetty.


48 hours and still missing - Stray beagle cross last seen on Route de la Hougue du Pommier and Rue de la Ronde Cheminee

Submitted by Steve on 19:13, 30th Apr, 2015 | 0

Today we have had a number of sightings of Jessie the lost beagle cross that is missing from St Martins since Tuesday.

Shortly after 3pm staff were dispatched to help look for Jessie between Route de la Hougue du Pommier and Rue de la Ronde Cheminee.

We are working closely with Jessie's owners to help in the search of their dog Jessie and we all appreciate the wonderful public support and reports so far.


4th Guernsey Beavers see behind the scenes at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:17, 30th Apr, 2015 | 0

Last night 23 young boys and girls from the 4th Guernsey Beavers visited the GSPCA to see behind the scenes at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.

On a sunny evening they arrived for a 6pm tour with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who took a group photo of the troop before showing them around the site where they got to see baby birds being fed, hedgehogs, bunnies, our resident tortoise, a puppy and much more.

They learnt how we care for the animals at the GSPCA and the work that is carried out 24 hours 7 days a week.


SALE to help with the Fireworks on the 1st May & Liberation Day on ADAPTIL & Feliway products

Submitted by Steve on 07:59, 30th Apr, 2015 | 0

Every year the GSPCA are called out and receive stray dogs and cats during periods of fireworks that have either escaped or run off due to being scared by the loud bangs they make.

Tomorrow their is a private display at St Pierre Park Hotel at 10pm and on Liberation Day Saturday 9th May the display will take place along the seafront.

To help your dogs and cats during these very stressful times we have a SALE on the Adaptil and Feliway products which are designed to appease your pets during times of difficulty.
