Volunteer Induction Evening 630pm Wednesday 12th July

Submitted by Steve on 10:37, 11th Jul, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA really could do so much without its amazing team of volunteers and supporters which have helped for over 150 years.

From the Committee to those that walk dogs, fund raisers to those that help with admin, gardeners to those helping with IT, the companies who send their staff to help to so many others the list goes on and on.

With the GSPCA providing 24/7 we couldn’t do so much without our amazing team.


Huge thanks to the fantastic RBS International team helping out at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 09:30, 5th Jul, 2023 | 0

Last month staff from RBS International spent a day volunteering at the GSPCA.

5 RBS International staff arrived at 9am to be greeted by Tim Pellett the GSPCA Training and Community Officer.

They started with a lovely picture at the front of the Animal Shelter before they began a day of helping around site doing a huge amount.

Through the day they learnt about much of our work and met many of the team and finished with a tour of the site to see the many animals and much of our work. 


See the GSPCA on Channel 5 ‘Jersey and Guernsey’ Narrated by Alan Titchmarsh at 8pm Wednesday 5th July 2023

Submitted by Steve on 15:57, 4th Jul, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA recently had the pleasure of the team from Daisybeck Studios filming a new series for Channel 5 which tomorrow airs the 4th episode.

The programme called ‘Jersey and Guernsey’ is Narrated by Alan Titchmarsh and is showcasing both islands, island life and this Wednesday 5th July it will feature the GSPCA, some of our team and our work, especially with wildlife.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It was lovely to host Daisybeck Studios recently at the GSPCA filming for a new series on Channel 5 called ‘Jersey and Guernsey’.”


GSPCA 150th Ball at St Pierre Park Hotel Saturday 30th September tickets on sale and could you sponsor part of the evening

Submitted by Steve on 12:09, 4th Jul, 2023 | 0

This year the GSPCA celebrates 150 years since being founded in 1873.

As part of the celebrations we would like to invite you to a very special evening to mark this momentous occasion with a range of entertainment and decorations thanks to Save the Date.

The evening starts at 630pm and dress code is black tie or why not go with a purple theme as is the GSPCA logo.

There is a 3 course meal of which we will ask for food choices and names closer to the time.


Did you know its Rabbit Awareness Week? Check out these great posts from our Small Animal Department Team

Submitted by Steve on 14:43, 1st Jul, 2023 | 0

Between 26th June and 3rd July 2023 Rabbit Awareness Week is being celebrated.

The GSPCA has seen a huge increase in rabbits in recent years so much so we have been having to build additional facilities for the 40+ in our care.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “This week is Rabbit Awareness Week and the Small Animal Department Team Ollie Bourgaize and Alex Solusby have been busy putting together great posts and updates to promote the many rabbits in our care and all the welfare challenges and needs we see with rabbits in Guernsey.”


Huge well done to team members Tim, Louise, Seb and Natalie who completed the Saffery Rotary Walk in aid of GSPCA & others

Submitted by Steve on 10:17, 1st Jul, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA would like to say a massive thank you to the 2023 Saffery Rotary Walk who earlier this year announced the 26 charities benefiting from this years walk which took place in June.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA are delighted to be one of the 26 charities being supported by the 2023 Saffery Rotary Walk which took place last month.”

“The Saffery Rotary Walk is an incredible event in terms of its organisation, the logistics, the numbers involved, the amount raised and the fantastic charities it helps.”


See the GSPCA at the Viaër Marchi 2023 this Monday #VM2023

Submitted by Steve on 09:35, 1st Jul, 2023 | 0

This Monday the GSPCA will once again be at the Viaër Marchi for their 2023 event with our stall.

Team members Natalie and Sarah will be running the GSPCA stall to raise funds for our 24/7 work and promote all that we do.

The Viaër Marchi 2023 will no doubt be a great evening and entry is £6 adults this 3rd July between 5:00pm - 9:00pm at Saumarez Park - https://www.visitguernsey.com/see-and-do/things-to-do/saumarez-park/


Huge thanks to the fantastic BNP Paribas team helping out at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 16:35, 30th Jun, 2023 | 0

Thursday 15th June a team of staff from BNP Paribas spent a day volunteering at the GSPCA.

8 BNP Paribas staff arrived at 9am to be greeted by Tim Pellett the GSPCA Training and Community Officer.

They started with a lovely picture at the front of the Animal Shelter before they began a day of helping around site doing a huge amount.

Through the day they learnt about much of our work and met many of the team and finished with a tour of the site to see the many animals and much of our work. 


HUGE THANKS - Livingroom Supports GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 16:06, 30th Jun, 2023 | 0

The Livingroom love helping Islanders find their dream home, but it’s not just people who they want to support, it’s our animal friends too.

Through the Livingroom Foundation, they’ve made a wonderful kind donation to the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA), as we celebrate our 150th anniversary this year. 


GSPCA honoured as runner up in the 2023 Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards

Submitted by Steve on 11:43, 30th Jun, 2023 | 0

Last Wednesday GSPCA Treasurer Louise Gambrell, GSPCA Committee Member Karen Girdlestone and GSPCA Team Member Karen Lane attended the 2023 Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards on belhalf of the GSPCA who were a finalist.

They were delighted when we were awarded the Runner Up Prize for the GSPCA entry which means the funds will help towards the new GSPCA Wildlife Hospital.
