Summer Guided Tours at the GSPCA each Monday – Limited spaces book now through Eventbrite

Submitted by Steve on 11:08, 28th Jul, 2023 | 0

This Monday we holding our second of our Summer Guided Tours at the GSPCA.

With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.

To book please visit

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Summer thanks to team member Karen Lane our Guided Tours have restarted as part of our 150 year celebrations.”


BBC Guernsey team receive a huge thanks from the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:58, 28th Jul, 2023 | 0

Earlier this week GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne popped along to the BBC Guernsey studios and office with a gift.

At our recent AGM the GSPCA recognised a number of hugely supportive and amazing individuals, businesses  and others that have been a fantastic support to the GSPCA.

Earlier this year when we celebrated our 150th anniversary BBC Guernsey ran a live show on the day at the GSPCA and are always helping promote our educational messages, events and so much more.


GSPCA Summer Team Thank You Party Saturday 19th August 7pm at the Animal Shelter

Submitted by Steve on 10:38, 28th Jul, 2023 | 0

Invite to all GSPCA volunteers, staff, placements and helpers.

As a way of a thank you to all of our amazing volunteers and staff we are holding a party on Saturday the 19th August 2023 from 7pm at the Animal Shelter.

As its Summer please sport your best summer out fit and sun glasses for a fun evening as a way of thanks for all of the hard work carried out 24/7 from the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday to the around the clock animal care, the conservation work to those that help in so many ways in this our 150th year.


Avian Bird Flu Update from Guernsey States Vets due to case in Jersey

Submitted by Steve on 08:55, 22nd Jul, 2023 | 0

This week this announcement was made in Jersey due to Avian Flu and this week the States of Guernsey Vets issued this statement on the 20th July 2023 -


10pm Fireworks Castle Emplacement as part of the Harbour Carnival

Submitted by Steve on 15:19, 21st Jul, 2023 | 0

Every year we hear of firework related incidents involving animals and children. While fireworks may be exciting and pretty to look at and its fun to celebrate many celebrations with a bang, we must put our safety, the safety of our pets and the local wildlife first. 

Tonight as part of the Harbour Carnival at 2200hrs (10pm) at Castle Breakwater in St Peter Port there are firework displays planned so please ensure your animals are safe and prepare for the unusual sounds and sights they might be subjected too.


Summer Guided Tours at the GSPCA start Monday – Limited spaces book now through Eventbrite

Submitted by Steve on 15:07, 21st Jul, 2023 | 0

This Monday we welcome back visitors to our first Summer Guided Tour of the GSPCA.

With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.

To book please visit

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Summer thanks to team member Karen Laneour Guided Tours restart as part of our 150 year celebrations.”


GSPCA 136th AGM in our 150th Year Celebrations & Launch of Kennel & Ferret Build Designs

Submitted by Steve on 12:27, 21st Jul, 2023 | 0

Last night the GSPCA had a packed room for our 136th AGM in our 150th year.

John Knight GSPCA President opened the evening with saying "Good evening and thank you for joining us this evening. I would like to remind everyone right at the beginning that this is a very important year for us."

"It is our 150th  anniversary, and also that after difficult years with Covid, this is the first year that most of us have been able to feel that we have put it behind us."


APPEAL – Sark feral Starsky needs an entropion operation

Submitted by Steve on 12:19, 19th Jul, 2023 | 0

Every day the GSPCA rush animals to the vets needing vet care and treatment and one very special cat needing an operation is Starsky.

Starsky is a feral cat from Sark who we are hoping to return him to the island where someone can watch over him once he has had a much needed operation.

Starsky has already had blood tests to check he is healthy other than a nasty eye issue requiring an entropion operation which will cost with care around £500.


EXCITING NEW VACANCIES – GSPCA Deputy Manager, Supervisor and other roles

Submitted by Steve on 14:53, 18th Jul, 2023 | 0

With over 150 years of helping animals in Guernsey and more animals being helped each year than ever before the GSPCA are looking to add new team members to help ensure our 24/7 work.

The GSPCA has had to grow in recent years to meet the demands on our services and ensure the care and rescue of animals in need.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are very excited to announce some exciting new opportunities at the GSPCA.”


11 new faces join the GSPCA at the latest Volunteer Induction Evening

Submitted by Steve on 16:37, 13th Jul, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA really could do so much without its amazing team of volunteers and supporters which have helped for over 150 years.

Last night the GSPCA held the 5th Volunteer Induction Evening of 2023.

11 new faces joined us for an induction where they were greeted by team member Sarah Harrison and then they got to meet GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne for their induction.
